peony flower prince14

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Hazel said Peony don't take it so serious he is just friend and love me that is just one sided. Peony shouted, "What do you mean one side? His intentions are bad!" "You know what your problem is? You think that your heart is clear for everyone, but not everyone's heart is clear for you. All people are not as they look. Some look hard as a mountain, but their heart is as soft as cotton. They feel other people's pain and emotions and cry for them, but some look so soft and smile all the time, but their heart is full of darkness. Their heart is like black coal. Whoever touches this coal, their hands become dirty. Hazel, you are so innocent. You don't know. Hazel replied you just came in this world now , but you act like you've been here for a thousand years. Oh, my old soul, Peony."

Hazel laughed and said, "Look who is teaching me! You just arrived in this world, and you act like you know everything!" Peony smiled and said, "It's true, I don't know everything, but I'm learning. I want to make sure I can protect myself and the people I love." Hazel smiled and said, "That's a noble goal. I'm sure you'll do great." They stayed in Peony's room for a while, talking and laughing. Eventually, they went back to the task at hand and Hazel continued to teach Peony how to use a cell phone.

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