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Peony stumbled and fell to the ground, weakened from the attack it had just endured. Suddenly, an old lady appeared out of nowhere, offering a helping hand to the flower. She spoke words of encouragement to Peony, urging it to persevere and not to give up. The old lady revealed that the black hoodie man didn't know Peony's true power, only that it was a flower.

As the rain grew heavier, the black hoodie man became scared and ran away from the scene, leaving Peony behind. The flower looked at the old lady with confusion and asked if she was playing a joke on it. The old lady chuckled and said, "Bad guy, who talks to their grandmother like that?" She then revealed that she was Peony's grandmother, who still resided in the world.

After saying this, the old lady disappeared, leaving Peony in awe and wonder. The flower was left with more questions than answers and wondered where its grandmother lived. A voice in the air responded, daring Peony to find it if it could.

As the rain continued to pour down, Peony used its magical powers to search for the black hoodie man but could not find him. The flower was left feeling perplexed and unsure of what to do next.

However, this encounter with the old lady and the voice in the air had opened Peony's eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. The flower realized that there was much more to the world than it had ever imagined and that it had a lot to learn.

From that day on, Peony set out to explore the world, seeking answers to the questions that had arisen in its mind. The flower knew that it had a long way to go, but it was determined to find the truth and uncover the secrets of its powers.

As the rain began to subside, Peony took its first steps on its journey of discovery, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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