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"Kaew, you're crazy!" Douglas, who was still shocked, choose to leave the ballroom. He wanted to follow Freen to ask her it is true or not.

Kaew immediately followed her husband.




Freen went to the Armstrong family and with all her strength she asked Becky's father, David about who was the dead victim.

"He is Andrew" David said looking down. He saw several divers searching for the victims of the accident. He hopes her daughter can be found soon.

"David, it's almost night. Our daughter hasn't been found yet!" Luna sobbed. She tried to calm herself.

Freen looked at the sky and then looked down. Without wasting time she plunged down the bank of the river.

She tried to find Becky in the cold river water. She went to the right side of the river bank away from where the divers were looking for the accident victims.

"I've been looking for her for 30 minutes but I still can't find her. Where are you, Becky?! Please be safe!" said Freen and looked towards the river.

Freen looked left and right and began to walk along the bank of the river and saw someone lying in the bushes.

Freen approached the person with fear.

"Is that a ghost? She wears a white dress and her hair looks long. It's night now, maybe some ghost wants to scare me. I'm afraid of ghosts" she could clearly see the body lying there due to the bright street lights.

She took a twig and poked the person's body slowly. "Oh, she's human".

Freen saw the person's face and her tears fell down her cheeks. She has met Becky. She looked at Becky's injured body and checked her breathing quickly. "Thankfully, she's still breathing". She checked Becky's breathing again and found that she was breathing abnormally which made her panic. She picked up Becky and ran as fast as she could to bring Becky where her family is.

"I should bring her to her family. I can not take her to the hospital. If my car was in this area, I would have taken you to the hospital" said Freen.

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