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Luna who felt confused decided to whisper something in her daughter's ear.

"What? I love phi Freen? Mom, please don't joke, how could I love my own cousin like that" Becky answered in a whisper.

Becky's sudden answer surprised Luna. She was now even more sure that her daughter's brain was still disturbed by the accident a few days ago, so that the girl couldn't remember her own feelings.

"Becky, please rest yourself. Mom and Freen want to see the doctor first" after saying that, Luna dragged Freen.

Freen, who was forcibly pulled out, could only silently follow aunt Luna's steps without asking some question. Even though she was curious about what made aunty Luna look so worried that she wanted to meet the doctor who was treating Becky, because previously, Freen so that the girl was fine and they were talking in whispers so she didn't what the mother and daughter were talking about.

After arriving at the doctor's room who was treating Becky, Luna immediately told what happened to Becky and asked how her daughter could forget her memories of loving the woman she adored.

Luna didn't care about asking like that even though Freen was beside her, because she was sure that Freen, who was her daughter's wife, would not be disappointed to hear that Becky had forgotten all the memories related to her feelings of love because Freen clearly doesn't love her daughter so it doesn't matter right?

But without Luna knowing it, Freen was seem clenching her fists tightly, knowing that girl who had been chasing her had forgotten that love. No wonder Freen felt that Becky's eyes had change, there was no longer the adoring look in the girl's eyes, and there was no longer the loving look that she often saw.

"So, you mean my daughter forgot all her memories related to her feelings of love for Freen, as a form of self-defence from her subconscious?" asked Luna after hearing the explanation from doctor.

"Yes, the symptom appears when someone goes into severe mental shock when they experience an event. Untill they choose to delete the parts they don't want to remember. You can see it as a kind of defence mechanism" the doctor explained it more detail.

Luna and doctor were surprised when Freen suddenly hit the table really hard.

"What are you doing?" asked Luna while rubbing her chest, she was really surprised to see what Freen was doing.

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