The Aftermath

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Qatar GP-November 22nd,2021 Party, 2:47 a.m

I started running down the stairs, panicking. What just happened? Why did I look at her that way?Why did we kiss and why it was perfect? Why I felt like I wanted more? Why did I left?


I kept walking through the crowd. Music blasting, people dancing and me panicking, trying to take in what just happened wondering what should I do next.


He called and I panicked. That's why I left.I keep walking through the crowd finally finding the exit door going outside and picking up my phone. I search through my contacts trying to find Pierre's number and pushing the call button.

Pick up.Pick up.Pick up

"Pierre, I fucked up"
"What's new?"
"Now its not the time. I fucked up Pierre. I fucked up big time"
"Where are you mate? I called you but you didn't pick up. Are you drunk?"
"I'm outside now. In front of the door.I am not really drunk.Not right now at least"
"Don't worry mate. I'm coming to pick you up."

I was waiting for Pierre outside. The cold wind blowing on my face. People passing by. The street lights shining bright like stars. I turned to look at my reflection on the glass of the door behind me and my mind couldn't stop wondering back to the brunette girl that my lips were kissing just a few moments ago. How dreamy she looked while the light of the stars fell into her face making her glow.

That's when reality hit back to me. I left her. I kissed her and I left her. I am stupid.

Just when guilt started cripplling inside me the glass door opened showing Pierre, scaring me.

"Pierre, I-"
"You fucked up. I get that"
"Not here. People are watching.Follow me"

I followed him, walking down the road, getting a little bit dizzy from the alcohol but still managing to walk. He talked to a man who a few minutes later brought the car out of the garage getting out, giving Pierre the keys and telling him goodnight.

"I dont think you are able to drive right now. Except if you have a death wish. Get in" he said while he got inside the car sitting on the driver's seat. I got inside the car sitting on the passenger's seat beside him. Pierre drove off,parking the car in an empty parking lot a few minutes later. He closed the engine of the car turning to look at me.

"I hear you"
"I kissed her"
"Lydia Lydia?"
"Our Lydia?"
"Lydia as Lydia Hatzi"
"Yes Pierre yes. Lydia. The one who drives for Hass. The girl that turned out to be a star. That Lydia"
"Why? "
"I dont know. I went to the rooftop to get some fresh air. I was about to leave when she told me to stay, and I did"
"Of 'course you did" he said running a hand through his hair.
I turned to look at him. In my face pictured only one feeling, pure guilt. Wait until you hear what happened next.

"And then what happened?"
"We started talking, and drinking. One thing lead to another and we kissed. Then you called me. I panicked and I left" "Oh Charles. You know how complicated and awkward things are going to be between you two from now on? Especially if you think that you left running"
"I know"
Silence. No one talked. The only think you could hear were the night sounds. God, I feel like an idiot
"Did you like it?"
"Is the alcohol talking or not?"
"I honestly don't know" but he knew.

Charles knew what that fluttering in his stomach was. He knew why his mind always run back to the moment their lips touched, moving completely in sync with each other, the star light falling over them making that moment even more magical in Charles's head. He knew it wasn't the alcohol filling his head with all those thoughts,playing again and again the moments he had with the brunette girl just a few minutes ago, but he didn't want to accept it.

"You should call her" Pierre said distracting Charles from his thoughts.
"What in the earth makes you believe that I have her number?"
"Then text her, and before you say you don't have her number you know that social media exist"
"I can't"
"You can't or you don't want to? C'mon Charles"
"I- I just can't"
"You should talk to her. You kissed her and then you fucking left her all alone at the rooftop, drunk"
"I can't Pierre. I honestly can't and I-, I don't even know what to say to her. We were both drunk. She might not even remember what happened when she wakes up tomorrow"
"Whatever. Sometimes I can't put up with you" he said his voice full of disappointment. Me neither Pierre

He started the car, driving back to our hotel where I could have a sleepless night questioning all the ifs. All the possible scenarios that would happen. My mind wondering back to the girl that looked so beautiful.Her eyes shining while the stars reflected into them. My stargirl

3 days later
Lydia's apartment, Athens, Greece

"So let me think again. He kissed you and then he left running."
"Asshole, and I thought he was one of the good guys. They are all the same afterall.Has he tried talking to you?"
"I see. Have you tried?"
"Do you want to?" Yes
"I don't think so"
"Good. Sooo...How was it?" Perfect
"It was okay. I dont remember much. We were both drunk too." Oh but I do remember everything.

The way his eyes light up when he laughed, the dimples that formed on his face when he smiled. How his voice sound when he said her name. His laugh.The way his lips felt on hers while they where kissing. The way he looked at her when she talked about the stars. No one had ever looked at her that way. No one except-

"Lydia. Earth to Lydia. Girl are you there?"
"Um yes, sorry.I actually have to hang up. I'm having a zoom meeting in thirty minutes so I should probably get ready." "Okay Girl.Have fun. Love you, bye" "Love you too"

After the party Mick went to pick her up. She told him everything that happened and he listened carefully, returning her later back to her hotel room, taking care of her. Making sure she's safe. But she didn't sleep until 6 a.m. Her mind thinking constantly the green eyed man.

The next day when she woke up she was feeling awfull, her head pounding and her body feeling sore. But she didn't forget what happened the night before. As much as she tried she couldn't. Without much left to do she booked the first flight back to Athens. Longing her home and her peace.

She couldn't forget him. She wanted to but she couldn't.

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