What a plot twist you are

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Monday 7th December 2021 Charles's
Hotel room, 12:53 p.m

Charles woke up the next day. His head pounding and his body feeling sore. He looked at the ceiling trying to figure out where he was. He slowly got up, carefully not to get dizzy. He looked around the room. He was in his hotel room. But how he got there?

Last thing he remembers from last night is that he went to a party desperate to see her again. He was sitting on the bar drinking his second glass of whiskey, scanning the dancing crowd with his green eyes trying to find her . Everything else is a blur.

He reached for his phone on his night stand but it wasn't there. He pulled the covers of him, slowly getting up. The terrible headache he had from last night not really helping. He walked towards the table finally seeing it. He picked it up, unlocking it and opening the messages app to text Pierre. That's when he saw it.

"Pierre. It's Lydia" What-
"Lydia? What are you doing with Charles's phone? Where is he?" the-
"Long story. Can I call you?" fuck.
"Yeah" What happened last night?

He immediately called Pierre. He is the only person that would help him. He is the only person that knows what happened last night. At least the only person except from her.

Pick up Pierre. For the sake of our friendship pick up. And he did
"Pierre you need-"
"I was waiting for you to call me. I'll be there in a minute" Pierre said, hanging up.

Charles waited for what it felt like ages, pacing up and down the room. Until he heard a knock on his door. Finally. He went running to open the door. Opening the door he saw his friend watching him, holding one coffee on each of his hands.
"Good morning sunshine" Pierre said getting inside the room and sitting on a chair, Charles following sort behind him.

"I know you have many questions regarding last night but first of all sit" he said, motioning Charles to sit on the bed.
"Take this"
"What's this?" Charles said holding the pill in his hand.
"I'm not here to drug you Charlie. It's an aspirin. I know you have a terrible headache right now from the hangover you had last night" Charles put the pill at the back of his tongue , swalloing it hard. "And now take this" he said giving the one cup of coffee to his best friend. "You know that I hate coffee"
"It will help with the hangover. Now drink" And Charles did as he said. "Can you now tell me what happened last night?"
"You apparently lied to me and went to the party . You got drunk and went to find Lydia. You somehow ended in her room sleeping. She texted me from your phone, which she opened with your fingerprint, and she called me. I went to her room. She was crying. I calmed her down, picked you up and left. I came here, laying you on your bed and leaving your phone at the table.Then I just left and went back to sleep"
He just stayed there looking at him. I am an idiot.
" You don't know if I told her something? Anything" Please tell me you do
"No" Fuck
"The only thing she told me was that you came drunk into her room" I fucked up. Again
"How did I end up in her room? I don't even know her room number " "You don't?"
"Obviously I don't"
"Then how did you end up in her room in the middle of the night?"
"You think I know? If I did we wouldn't have this conversation"
"I don't know anything else Charles.I don't know what you did or said to the girl.But you must did something because she was crying really hard when I came to get you"
"What do you mean did or said? What could I possibly said or did to make her cry? "
"Look Charles. Lydia-" He took a deep breath
"Nevermind. I will leave you now to calm down a bit. I will give you some time to process everything. Take a bath too. You smell like whiskey. "
He got up
"I'm going to meet you at 3:30 in front of the reception to go for lunch. Okay? " he said moving towards the door
"Okay" Charles responded.
"Oh Charles. Now that I remembered" "What happened?"
"You were talking to your sleep." he said opening the door.
"You were saying 'Lydia. My stargirl'" Pierre said before closing the door behind him .
My Stargirl .

Hotel, 2:58 p.m

Charles closed the door behind him as he started heading towards the elevator.

He had done exactly what Pierre told him to. He calmed down, thought about last night a little and had a shower. Now he was ready to go for launch with Pierre.

These past few days had been a torture. He needed some time off. He entered the elevator, pushing the first floor button.

He stared at his reflection on the elevator mirror. What have you done?

The elevator suddenly stopped. He didn't turn to look who it was. Only when he saw her reflection beside him on the mirror realized who came into the elevator a second ago. She entered the elevator. Her gaze looking at him through the mirror. Not breaking eye contact, watching each other through their reflections.
"Lydia I-" he turned to look directly at her, still holding eye contact.
"Save it Leclerc" she said. Pure venom in her voice.
"Listen to me please. I don't know what happened last night-"
"Nothing happened last night" she stopped him.
"Why were you crying then?"
"That's none of your business" she took a step forward.
"Tell me what happened last night" he took a step forward too.
Their faces now inches apart. She could feel his hot breath on her face. He could smell her perfume.
"You want to know what fucking happened? You kiss me-"
"You told me to stay"
"And then you leave me-"
"I panicked"
"And then we come here and you fucking ignore me- "
"You were the one sitting with Schumacher, laughing at his jokes" "And last night you came drunk to my room saying that you want me and then falling asleep on a chair"
"You wanna know why I got drunk? I went to that party yesterday because I wanted to see you. I was looking for you. Since that night I can't get you out of my fucking mind. I can't sleep, I can't drink, I can't do anything without thinking about you"
"I-" Bling. The elevator stopped and the big glass doors opened.
She started walking out of the elevator. He stopped her by pulling her arm.
"Please, my Stargirl."
"I- I can't do this" she said pulling her arm back, leaving him there. All alone. Like he had left her two weeks ago. This time he was sober though. And he stayed there looking her figure moving further and further away from him, until he couldn't she her anymore.

He got out of the elevator. Standing there. Still looking blankly towards the direction she went. Pierre got closer to him.
"Are you okay mate?"
Charles got his phone out. Opening the notification on his phone, reading the headline of the article.
"Lydia Hatzi signed a 3-year contract with Ferrari filling Charles Leclerc's empty teammate spot"

Oh shit.

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