32. Need you

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Connors POV:

"How am I supposed to be a passenger princess if he doesn't have his license?" My coworker Cassidy complained.

I'd decided that instead of going crazy at home it would be good for me to return to my job at the local grocery store. I'd been working here since high school but once I started college I only worked summers. But now I didn't have school to keep me busy and my therapist thought that having something to keep myself busy might be good.

I'd called my boss and got put on the schedule as soon as possible. And now I was sitting in the break room listening to my coworker complain about the guy she'd been hooking up with.

"You want to be a passenger princess?" I questioned.

"Well duh, no one wants to be the one driving everywhere. I feel like a god damn chauffeur or even worse like a parent driving my kid around to fucking soccer practice. The guy doesn't even have an ID, I'm half convinced he's like hiding from the law or something."

"He doesn't have any form of ID?" The more she talked the more suspicious I was of this guy she was seeing.

"Apparently it expired but it's weird right?"

"Definitely weird." I agreed.

"Why do I always attract the weird mysterious men that just end up being assholes?" She groaned.

"Maybe because you have a type." I offered.

"Sorry not all of us can fall in love with gorgeous men that are literally perfect."

It hadn't taken long for Cass to learn about Jetson. Jet and I have been texting pretty consistently and apparently I get a sappy look on my face whenever I'm talking to him. Cass had grilled me the second she got the time and it took her only five minutes to determine Jetson was the perfect man and I was a lucky idiot that he seemed to put up with me.

I didn't even bother trying to argue about anything she said. It was all the truth anyways.

"Speaking of." I waved my phone in the air as a text popped up on my screen.

"Stop making me jealous." She shoved my arm playfully.

I ignored her and read what he sent me.

Jet Plane- Can I still hide out in your room if you don't technically live here anymore?

Connor- as long as my roommates haven't replaced me already.

Connor- what's wrong with your room?

Jet Plane- Ev and Jake are being gross and I can only blast music for so long until I get a headache

Connor- make your escape now before you witness too much

Jet Plane- ahhhh I'm running now, I think the bickering is about to turn into sex

"Come on, it time to return to hell," Cass stood up and when I looked at the clock I realized my break was already over.

Damn I really didn't want to go back but I'd have to wait to talk to Jet more until after my shift. Hopefully he can get some peace in my old room.

I returned to my usual register and opened my line back up. I didn't always work as a cashier but today I was and it was probably one of my least favorite things to do. The customers were usually okay but it wasn't uncommon to have someone get agitated over coupons or something else that I couldn't control. Those were the customers that had me wanting to be doing anything other than working the register.

The second part of my shift was pretty quiet though. The customers were nice and no one tried to tell me I didn't know how to do my job. I counted it all as a win. I only had about an hour left before I could go home and I was starting to count down the seconds.

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