28. Yoga

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"You traitorous whore!" Becca screeched loudly.

"I wouldn't say traitorous." Monroe argued.

"But you would say whore?" Evan asked his face filled with amusement.

"A very committed whore."

"If you were committed you wouldn't have betrayed me like this!" Becca yelled.

I let my attention bounce between my two roommates. It really didn't surprise me much at the chaos this evening turned into.

"It was the only card I could play! I don't have any blue." Monroe waved his uno cards in the air helplessly.

"You could have just drawn from the deck instead of stabbing me in the back. I thought we had an alliance." Becca shot back.

"Just pick up that damn cards, there are no alliances in uno." Jake stepped in.

"You're just mad Evan has been targeting you all game." Becca replied.

"I'm not targeting him." Evan argued but I could see him trying to hide his smile.

When Becca had decided we were all going to hang out have some drinks and do a game night I had thought it'd be fun. I'd forgotten how competitive my roommates were but at least watching them all go back and forth was good entertainment.

"Becca pick up your four cards it's Evan's turn."

"What color did you pick Mon?" Ev asked eyeing the three cards he had left in his hand.


"Perfect." Evan smiled widely as he placed the skip down. "Skip you Jake."

"Fucking ridiculous." Jake muttered mostly to himself.

"There are no alliances in Uno." Becca said lowering her voice to mock Jake.

"Watch it or I'm going to switch seats with Evan and ruin you next game." Jake threatened.

"I'd like to see you try." She bickered right back.

I laughed lightly at the two as I placed a card down. The upside to the couples all targeting each other is that I was down to my last two cards and no one seemed to care.

"Francis if you even dare to backstab me again I'm going to strangle you." Becca threatened her boyfriend.

"If you didn't call me Francis I might not have played this." He dropped the +2 down.

"Ahh!" Becca let out a scream and literally tackled Monroe to the ground.

"You could be on the D-line with those moves." Evan joked.

"Get off me you mad woman." Monroe yelled not really trying to get his girlfriend to move off him.

I watched Becca lean down and say something that was quiet enough for me not to hear. The way Monroe's face shifted let me know I was glad that Becca had kept whatever she wanted to say just between the two of them.

The whole dynamic shifted as Becca climbed off Monroe. He didn't take his hands off her as she threw her legs across his lap. He just started rubbing light patterns into her calf.

"Here's your two cards." Monroe grabbed two cards from the deck and passed them to his girlfriend.

"Ev your turn." Becca leaned into Monroe with a content smile on her face.

"Don't even try to get me to go easy on you." Evan glared at Jake.

"I'll give you a blowjob if you let me win." Jake offered.

I grimaced at the words that came out of Jake's mouth. It was better than some of the other things I'd heard him say but at least Becca had the decency to whisper the dirty words into Monroe's ear.

"You'll give me a blowjob regardless." Evan rolled his eyes.

"I think I'm going to throw up." I grumbled.

The couple just laughed. No one cared about the fact my ears were just being further scarred. I really needed to find more single friends.

Luckily I was saved from further torture when my phone started to ring. A smile spread across my face at Connor's name written on my screen. We'd been talking pretty much nonstop since he left. It was a constant stream of texts and calls that helped me miss him a little less.

"I lose." I dropped my cards on the table and practically sprinted off to answer the phone.

I never really knew what to expect from the random phone calls from Connor. Sometimes he was just missing me, sometimes he was bored and looking for entertainment which was usually just him flirting with me, and then sometimes he was having a meltdown and needed someone to talk him back to reality. I was happy to do whatever he needed.

"Hey." I answered.

"I'm losing my fucking mind." He groaned not even bothering with a greeting.

"I see things are going good." I chuckled.

I knew this wasn't a bad meltdown considering his very overdramatic tone. Somehow he'd gotten more dramatic while sober.

"Everything is terrible, seriously I think this is the end." He rambled.

"What happened now?"

This wasn't an unusual call. Connor was going slightly crazy while at home and he called me almost daily just to complain about something his parents did.

"One word: yoga."

"Sounds fun." I smiled.

"Not fun! So very not fun! My mother is forcing me to do yoga! How does that sound fun to you?!"

This wasn't the first thing Connor's mom roped him into. She'd fallen down a research binge and everything she could find that said helped with addiction recovery she dragged Connor into trying. I found it sweet but Connor was feeling a little suffocated by all his parents help.

"She's just trying to help, maybe just tell her you don't want to do yoga." I advised.

"Just tell her." Connor scoffed at the suggestion. "You sound just like my therapist."

"You know you can always call to complain to me but you're going to end up going to yoga if you don't say something."

"My moms a scary women, could you come and tell her for me?" He pleaded.

I laughed at his request. The guy was seriously ridiculous sometimes.

"Put your big boy pants on and do it yourself."

"You're zero help, I don't know I even bother to call you." He sassed.

I knew he didn't mean it so his words only caused me to roll my eyes with a smile spread across my face.

"Well if I'm no help than I'll just hang up now."

I knew what he was going to say before he even said it.

"No no nooo!" He called out. "Please don't hang up, tell me about your day."

And that was all it took for me to get comfortable in my bed and start talking. I told him every single thing that happened all while he sat on the other end of the line listening to every word.

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