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17 Days Clean.

"Shut the fuck up Michael," someone whispered harshly. Shuffling slightly in the bed, my head rested against a slightly prickly surface. Opening my eyes hesitantly, I was instantly faced with Luke's jaw.

"Shit, you woke her!" The voice said again. This time, I recognised it as Calum. Groaning softly, I dug my head down under the comforter away from their voices. I was exhausted.

"Luke's gonna kill you, man," Michael said, his voice sounding further away as he spoke. Finally, I was able to go back to sleep. Just as I began to drift off, Luke's body moved and jolted me awake.

"Lee?" Luke whispered. Peering up from the security of the comforter, I saw Luke was wide awake.

"Don't love off the mattress, there's like hundreds of cups of water around us." He warned me. Scurrying out from the cover, I looked at the floor only to see Luke was right.

"They thought I was asleep," Luke told me, smirking gently. Chuckling softy, I shut my eyes and sighed. "We need to get up, the boys and I have a meeting before soundcheck," Luke told me, trailing his fingers over my hips. Nodding gently, I savoured the moment before kneeling up on the mattress. Hundreds of red solo cups littered the floor around Luke and I. Rolling my eyes, I cursed Calum and Michael.

"How am I supposed to get up?" I asked, looking down at Luke. Luke stood up on the mattress and looked around, contemplating his path.

"Jump on my back," he told me. Looking at him strangely, Luke shook his head at me. "Just do it." So, I did. When I had my arms wrapped securely around Luke's neck, he climbed onto the couch and jumped over the cups.

"Michael you dick, he knew!" I heard Calum shouting from the kitchen, instantly causing Luke and I to burst into a flurry of laughter. Luke walked into the kitchen and say me down on the counter beside the fridge.

"Want some orange juice?" Luke asked me, opening the fridge and taking out a carton. Shaking my head and muffling a quiet 'no thanks,' I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl near me.

"Shan; Gee, Jacey and I are going to head back to the apartment when the guys leave to get ready for tonight. Are you coming?" Beth asked me, walking to the fridge and getting out milk for her coffee. Nodding my head, I chewed on my apple before speaking.

"Sure," Beth nodded and smiled at me. Meanwhile, Luke was concentrating intently on his phone. Ashton walked into the kitchen with a bandana wrapped tightly on his forehead. Smiling at him, he ruffled my hair.

"Mornin'" Ashton sang, sitting on the counter beside me.

"Morning," I said to him, smiling gently. "Where are Calum and Gee?" I asked, looking around the kitchen. From the other side of the room, Michael smirked at me.

"Showering together."


That night before the concert began, Beth and I ventured up to the sound booth to John. We sat in there with John and his team of two others, Mark and Adrian, and waited for the boys to come on stage. After the opening act Little Sea finished their set, Beth stood to head backstage to watch the show.

"Are you coming?" Beth asked me. Looking around longingly at all the sound equipment, I shook my head.

"I think I might stay here for this one, you go on down." I said to her smiling. Glancing over at John, he was smiling gently looking at one of the boards. Shrugging, Beth exited the sound booth.

"Is it alright?" I asked. "I mean, if I stay here?" Looking at John, he instantly nodded.

"Of course, it's nice to have some female company every now and again." He said to me, motioning me over to sit beside him. Pulling out my phone, I sent Luke a quick text.

I'm gonna watch the show from the sound booth tonight. Best of luck, break a leg rockstar :)

Locking my phone, I shoved it into my pocket as John briefly explained to me what some of the buttons on the boards meant. From where I was sitting, I could see how the boys' in-ears were controlled. Our chat was cut short by a vibration in my pocket.

No problem, hope you enjoy :-)

Almost instantly, I got another text.

Calum and Michael are getting their good luck kisses, I'll expect one later ;-)

Feeling a blush rise to my cheeks, I typed a quick reply.

Don't count on it Hemmings ;)

Suddenly, the lights in the arena went out and we were engulfed in complete darkness. Beside me, John grinned and began toggling with buttons, causing a large booming sound to he heard over the arena. Fans screamed at the top of their lungs and a huge countdown began onstage. Three minutes. On my thigh, my phone lit up with another message.

I'll be singing just for you tonight, I hope you know that x


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