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14 Days Clean.

If you would have told me before coming to Australia that I would one day be lying on my bed talking to Luke Hemmings, I would have called you a liar. If you would've told me that I would relapse because of Luke Hemmings, I would have called you a liar. If you would have told me that I would even meet Luke Hemmings, I would have called you a liar.

Isn't it funny how things change?

It has been two weeks since the concert and honestly, things have never been better. Luke and I have grown extremely close, Beth and I were the best of friends again and Ashton had apparently started seeing a girl. If you would have told me two weeks ago that everything would be okay again, I would have called you a liar.

The last time I felt this content with my life was before the accident, before I lost Hazel. Now, I can genuinely say the broken china doll has been replaced and I'm so much happier with my life. If you would have told me that I would be happy one day, I would have called you a liar.

"Books or films?" I asked Luke, glancing up at him from the bottom of my bed. We were laying head-to-toe, asking each other random questions. This has been a regular occurrence since the concert, Luke claimed that he wanted to get to know me and he wanted me to know him. Admittedly, it was a great idea.

"Movies," he replied easily, throwing a gummy worm at me. Catching it in my mouth, I grinned at him and settled back down again. "Dr Fluke or Cal-Pal?" He asked, throwing a smirk in my direction. Rolling my eyes at him, a smile grew on my face. A day or two after the concert, Luke had voiced his concern that I may have fallen for Calum, and that was why he dared him to make out with Gee.

If you would have told me two months ago that Luke Hemmings would be jealous of one of his bandmates because of me, I would have called you a liar.

"Simple," I breathed out. "Cal-Pal." Luke shifted on the bed and the next thing I know, he's straddling my waist and prodding his fingers into my sides trying to tickle me. Rolling my eyes at him, I tried to push him off.

"I don't have tickles, asshole." I said shaking my head. For a moment, Luke looked confused until I caught him off guard and pushed him off my bed. With legs flying up into the air and a loud thud, Luke landed on the ground.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, causing a round of laughter to escape my lips. Throwing my head back on the bed, I clutched my stomach as tears sprung to my eyes. "What kind of person are you?" Luke shouted from his position on the ground, only causing my laughter to grow.

"I-I'm sorry!" I said through gasps, looking over the edge of the bed to see Luke sprawled out on the ground.

"I promise you, one day I will find your tickle spot and you're gonna regret this day." Luke muttered, standing up and fixing his hair.

"I'm so sorry," I apologised, my laughter dying down but a smile still very much evident on my features.

"It's alright," Luke smiled, he extended his arms towards me. Thinking he wanted a hug, I opened my arms too. Unfortunately, I was proved wrong when my ass collided with the hard wooden floor of my bedroom.

"You fucker," I grumbled, looking up at my bed to see Luke looking over the edge with a smile on his face. His intense gaze on me caused a rush of colour to my cheeks. Allowing my hair to fall over my face, I sat back up onto the bed. After a moment, Luke and I settled down again. My head was sinking onto the pillow as Fall Out Boy was playing in the background. Feeling a movement on the bed, I opened my eyes to see Luke laying down beside me.

"Tell me about your family," he mumbled, turning on his side to look at me. In that moment, my double bed felt single. My breathing hitched in my chest and I looked up at Luke, waiting to see the taunting and teasing eyes I was so used to but all I saw was serenity.

He doesn't know.

"Can we talk about something else, please?" I asked weakly, shuffling away gently. Luke furrowed his eyebrows together and just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, his phone rang.

"I need to take this," Luke mumbled gently, answering the call. He stood up from my bed and glanced at me briefly before leaving my room momentarily.

It was about ten minutes later when Luke came back into the room. He explained that the boys were going to do a small show in Sydney for some fans who couldn't get tickets for their last show. They were starting rehearsals in two days, and Luke asked me to tag along. I of course agreed, which left Luke and I back laying on my bed in silence.

"What happened, Lee?" Luke asked me softly. Shutting my eyes, I refused to let any emotions brew.

"Please don't make me talk about this," I asked weakly, turning on the bed so my back was facing Luke. The room was silent for a new minutes. My eyes had begun to grow heavy, and I thought Luke had fallen asleep, until I felt him move in the bed and a hand was placed on my waist.

"You know," he started quietly. "When I was in Year Ten, just before I dropped out of school, Aleisha and I were dating. Everyone thought we were perfect, for crying out loud I thought we were perfect. I thought I loved Leish, but my feelings obviously weren't reciprocated. At Christmas, the band was really picking up so I saved up and I bought her this really expensive necklace, I think it was like two hundred dollars." The whole time Luke was speaking, his fingers were drawing faint circles on my waist. The gesture sent shivers flying throughout my body but I don't think Luke even noticed, he was far too engrossed in his story.

"It was the day before Christmas Eve and I went over to her placed because her family were going to Melbourne to her aunts. Her Mum let me in and I went straight upstairs to her room, I was so excited to give her the necklace." He chuckled gently, but darkly. I knew this story wasn't going to end well. "She was there, on her bed, with my cousin Gerrard. They'd been going behind my back for I think it was five months. Obviously I broke up with her straight away and punched Gerrard in the face but I never told any of the guys." Luke fell silent for a moment. By now, his fingers had barely worked underneath my shirt and he was toying with my exposed skin.

"When the band took off, I slept with any girl that had a pulse. Truthfully, the others did it too but I was harsh, Lee. I was a literal fuck 'em and leave 'em. Leisha destroyed me but for some reason, there's a part of me that still melts every time I see her." Turning around in the bed, I came face to face with Luke. Lowering my head a little, I rested my forehead on his collarbone and inhaled his scent.

"I was fifteen when my parents started fighting." I started out weakly. "They would argue over the simplest of things, from what to watch on TV to money and those kinda things. I don't know the full story, but my Dad cheated on my mother." Feeling the tears well up in my eyes, I tried to disassociate myself from the situation but I just couldn't.

"Then my Mam just left, I've no idea where she is. My Dad moved towns, I'm living with my aunt. My parents just left, they don't care about me." Choking out a sob, Luke wrapped his arm around me and pulled me tightly to his chest.

If you would have told me the day that I first heard Wherever You Are that I would someday open up to Luke Hemmings about my parents, I would have called you a liar.


I hate this chapter but I needed to get something up, I hope you like it. One thing, I have absolutely nothing in this world against Aleisha and nothing I saw about her in this story reflect anything about her. Please vote and comment, I'll try get another chapter up soon!

Chrissy Costanza followed me on twitter about two hours ago, I'm still shaking.

Another thing, you guys should check out my basement edits on tumblr if you're interested, I'll put the link to the side!

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