
177 15 2

16 Days Clean.


Fluttering my eyes open, I took in my surroundings. I was in my room, in my bed. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday but, my hair had been taken down. Rubbing my eyes gently, I searched on my pillow for my phone. Once I found it, I saw I had a message from Luke.

Hey Lee, how’re you feeling today? :-)


Locking my phone, I slipped out of the bed and walked to the bathroom, using the toilet quickly. Admittedly, I felt much better but I was just cold. Lying back on my bed after returning from the bathroom, I replied to Luke’s message.

Better :) Whats up?


After clicking send, I locked my phone and went onto twitter, scrolling aimlessly for a moment until Luke replied.

Getting ready for rehearsals, do you still wanna come? You don’t have to if you still feel sick.


Where is it? :)


After Luke replied telling me it was the arena the played at the last time, I gathered my things together for a shower and I washed my hair. Slipping into a pair of black skinny jeans and a tank top, I looked around my room for a jumper that I could wear as I was still feeling cold.

Walking out to the living room to look for my red jumper, I saw the material of Luke’s hoodie still lying on the couch, he must have forgot it last night. Grabbing it, I glanced around for my own jumper but to no avail. Signing quietly, I walked back into my room and laid Luke’s hoodie on my bed. I began to dry my hair and once I was done, I straightened it and clipped back my fringe. A knock sounding on my bedroom door snapped me from my thoughts.

“Are you coming?” Beth asked me with a small smile on her lips. Nodding, I stood up quickly and grabbed my phone, bag and Luke’s hoodie. As we left the apartment, I shivered when my exposed skin hit the cool air. Beth was wearing a floral dress and I felt even colder just looking at her.

“Are you not freezing?” I asked Beth, causing her to glance at me with furrowed eyebrows.

“No,” she said slowly, looking at me confused. Shaking my head, we continued walking in silence until we were outside the arena. Walking up to the door, there was nobody there and it was locked so Beth text Michael and asked if he could come open the door for us.

“Shan, you’re shaking,” Beth pointed out worriedly. Nodding my head, I looked at her and shot her a gentle smile.

“I’m just cold,” I said. Beth looked at Luke’s hoodie which was draped over my arm and she took my bag off me.

“Put on the damn hoodie, nobody wants to see you sick again.” She said. Just as I was about to protest, she grabbed the material from my arm and threw it at me. Holding it up, I slipped my arms through the sleeves and pushed my head out through the top. Once again, my chest warmed at Luke’s familiar scent which still lingered on the material. The sleeves were just a little too big, so the tips of my fingers were only barely seen over the cuffs. However, the body was like a dress and it hung below my waist, bordering the back pockets of my jeans.

“Sorry Ladies,” a male voice spoke, opening the door of the arena. Beth handed me back my bag and began to walk towards the door.

“Hey John,” Beth smiled at the man, giving him a short hug. When they pulled back the man, who I’m assuming is John, smiled at me.

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