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16 Days Clean


“Do I need anything else?” I asked Luke, turning toward his body which was lazing on my bed.

“I don’t think so, bring your iPod.” He told me, locking his phone and sliding it into the pocket of his jeans. Nodding my head, I grabbed it off my dresser and put it into my bag, along with my purse.

“Is this really a good idea to do before your show tomorrow?” I asked, smiling gently. Luke shrugged and smirked at me, getting up from the bed and walking towards me.

“Probably not, but we’re never a band to follow the rules anyway.” He told me, reaching behind me and grabbing my bag, his face coming immensely close to my own. “You ready for the best night of your life, Lee?” he asked me, a smirk playing on his lips.

“I don’t know, is Alex Gaskarth going to be there?” I quipped back playfully. Luke narrowed his eyes at me and I winked at him, before we both burst out in fits of laughter.

“Let’s go,” he said to me, placing his hand on the small of my back and motioning me out of my bedroom.


“We need more blankets.” Calum said, standing at the entranceway of the living room with his hands on his hips. Gee and I turned to look at each other with slightly exasperated looks on our faces. We had totally revamped their living room, having pushed the couches against the back wall and taking the mattresses off of all of the beds and laying them on the ground. We had about twenty pillows on the ground and honestly, I lost count of the amount of blankets we had.

“I agree!” Ashton said suddenly, jumping up and standing beside Calum. Shaking my head at the pair, I turned to look at Beth and saw her and Michael making out. Grimacing, I turned away from them and unlocked my phone.

“Chicka, I will personally cut your tongue out of your mouth if you do not stop.” Jacey shouted at Beth and Michael, throwing a cushion from the couch at the pair. Stifling a laugh, I turned to Luke who was too busy concentration on his phone to realise what happened.

“You alright?” I asked Luke softly, turning closer to him. He looked up from his phone and nodded briefly at me, smiling gently.

“Just an email from management,” He told me. Nodding my head, I turned back to Jacey and Gee to continue watching them harass Michael and Beth.

Eight hours, a multitude of films and far too many packets of popcorn later, everyone had settled silence. Frozen was playing on the television in front of us all but, hardly no one was paying attention.

The boys had given us all the mattresses, with the exception of Michael and Beth, and otherwise, they were scattered around the room. Ashton was asleep on the couch and Calum was asleep near Gee’s mattress. The clock on the wall read 5AM. Turning my head, I saw Beth watching the movie but behind her, Michael was asleep. On the floor near me, Luke was also awake watching the movie.

“Luke,” I whispered, careful not to wake anyone else. Luke’s head instantly snapped to face mine and I smiled at him gently. “Could you pass me my iPod?” I asked him, indicating towards the black device beside him. Nodding his head, Luke stretched his arm out from under his comforter and passed it to me.

“There you go,” he whispered.

“Thanks,” I said quietly, smiling at him.

“No problem, Lee.” He said, shuffling to get comfortable on the ground again. After watching him for a moment, I closed my eyes and exhaled.

“Luke?” I whispered.

“Yeah?” he replied. Opening my eyes, I looked at his shuffling body and began to wonder about his back for the show tomorrow. Being almost as tall as Luke, I know how much a sore back can be a pain in the ass.

“Do you want to sleep on the mattress?” I offered. Instantly, Luke shook his head.

“No, we already told you guys, you get the mattresses.” He told me. Feeling a blush rise to my cheeks, I shook my head.

“I mean, like, on the mattress. But with me? Like, on the mattress too? Like sharing?” I tried to explain. Luke’s soft chuckle could be heard across the room and I looked up, making eye contact with him.

“If you wanted to get me in bed so soon Lee, all you had to do was ask.” He joked, crawling over towards the mattress. Moving back to give him enough room, I unlocked my earphones and offered one to Luke.

“Can I pick?” he asked, motioning towards the iPod. Nodding my head, I handed it to him and tied my hair up in a messy bun. A few minutes later, the silence of the night was quickly replaced by the chords of a guitar and I felt my heart well up in my chest. Luke locked my iPod and stuffed it under my pillow.

“I made a playlist,” he told me. Nodding my head, I shut my eyes.

When your legs don’t work like they used to before and I can’t sweep you off of your feet. Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love, will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

Turning my back to Luke, I shut my eyes and listened to the sound of Ed Sheeran’s voice reverberate through my earphones. The feeling of a hand laying on my hip and a body moving closer to my own snapped me from my thoughts. I could feel Luke’s breathing heavy on the back of my neck and it sent shivers down my spine. As we continued to listen to the song, Luke and settled into each other and by the time the ending chords faded out, we were laced together under the safety of the comforter.

The repetitive chords of an electric guitar drew me from my thoughts. Therapy. Feeling a faint smile growing on my face, I let my mind wonder back to that one night.

Sobbing quietly, I shut my eyes tightly as the sound of Alex Gaskarth’s smooth voice tumbled through my earbuds and into my ears. His voice soothed the pain slightly, but nothing could take it away.

Give me therapy, I’m a walking travesty; but I’m smiling at everything.

The lyrics hung thick in the night air around me. I had never heard something so true. Glancing at the small, silver blade in my left hand, I saw a path of release. A path of freedom. As Alex’s voice began to quieten in my ears, I lifted the blade and twisted it around so I was holding the blunt end. Just as I was about to drag it across my right wrist, Therapy ended and I was left suffocated in the quietness of 4AM, where my whole family were asleep.


Turning around on the mattress so I was facing Luke, I glanced up at him only to see him already gazing down at me. Stretching slightly, I placed a kiss on his cheek and then settled down to sleep.

“Night, Luke.”

Isn’t it funny how much can change in a year?

Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to post. I have pre exams next week but hopefully, I’ll get another chapter up soon. Also, check out my other Luke story Dalliance and my Calum story Fugue! Thanks a million guys, please vote and comment!

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