
292 10 3

77 Days Clean.

103 Days Remaining.


“Shanley,” Bill, my manager called out. Turning around, I came face to face with him and I gave him a smile before fixing my bandana on my head. “Can I speak to you for a moment please?” he asked me glancing around at the almost empty restaurant.

“Of course,” I nodded, beginning to grow conscious as to what he wanted to talk about. Following him through the kitchen, we walked into his office in the back and he ushered me to sit at a chair in front of an oak desk. Lowering myself down, I fixed my long ponytail behind me as Bill sat down.

“Don’t worry, you’re not in any trouble.” He chuckled, instantly a sense of relief washed over my body and I smiled at him.

“Thank God, I didn’t know what to think.” I admitted, allowing my Irish brogue to slip out stronger than I intended. Biting down on my lip gently, I crossed my legs as I waited for Bill to tell me what he wanted to talk to me about.

“Basically, I just wanted to both thank you and congratulate you. Many of the customers we have had in recently have left quite generous tips and remarkable feedback about you. As you know, we usually split the tips evenly between you and Derek but on this one occasion, I’m going to give you the tips you earned last week and then we’ll carry on as normal. Is that okay with you?” he said, a smile growing on both of our faces.

“That’s perfectly fine with me,” I said chuckling. Bill smiled at me and took an envelope out of a drawer in his desk. Seeing my name in his familiar scrawl across the front of it, I smiled as he handed it to me and I slipped it into my bag.

“Thanks a million,” I said. Bill shook his head and smiled at me.

“Thank you, Shanley.” He said. “Now, go enjoy your weekend and I’ll speak to you Monday, yes?” Nodding my head, I stood up from his desk and walked out of his office. Needless to say, my curiosity was growing and the envelope was burning a hole in my bag.

Metaphorically, of course.

It wasn’t long before I found myself walking through the door of the empty apartment. Slipping my bag from my shoulder, I laid it on the couch as I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. Walking back into the living room, I took a sip of the cold drink and placed it on the coffee table. Zipping open my bag, I pulled out the envelope and gently tore it open.

Gazing in, a huge smile grew on my face as I pulled out the money in the envelope. $250. Slipping it into my purse, I finished my glass of water and decided to go for a shower.


Hey :-)


Smiling gently at the text, I unlocked my phone and placed in on my thigh under the table.

Hey :) what’s up?


Locking the phone again, I glanced around the table but the others were too engrossed in their food to notice. Switching my phone onto silent, I left it on my thigh as I put another chip into my mouth.

“I think we should have a movie marathon tonight,” Beth said suddenly as she finished chewing a bite of her burger. Beth, Jacey and I nodded in confirmation.

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