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0 Days Clean.

As I walked out of my room after cleaning myself up after my shower, I felt a little better. I walked into the living room to see Jacey sitting on the couch. Beth and Gee were nowhere in sight. Smoothing down the pants of my work uniform, I prepared myself to face Jacey.

"Hi," I said quietly, sitting down beside Jacey. Her head instantly snapped towards me and she seemed to let go of a breath she was holding. Before I knew it, I was engulfed in her arms.

"I'm so sorry," I apologised. "If I hurt you and for scaring you. I didn't think about what I was doing." I told her truthfully, feeling horrible about worrying her.

"Chicka, I was so worried about you. I didn't know what to think!" Jacey told me, pulling back from the hug to look at me.

"I'm sorry," I told her again.

"It's okay, as long as you're alright I don't care." She told me, pushing my hair rom my face and smiling weakly at me. "Have you eaten?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I had cereal before I went for my shower." I lied smoothly, unable to stomach anything at the moment. Nodding her head at me, Jacey turned back to the tv.

"I'm going to go to work," I started, standing up from the couch and fixing my bandana on my head carefully. "I'm not going to go tonight, enjoy yourself though." I said, bending down and giving Jacey a quick hug. She glanced at me quickly, a worried expression evident on her features.

"Are you alright to go to work?" she asked hesitantly. Giving her a weak smile, I nodded my head and left the apartment, heading towards the hotel for a busy morning shift.


As I weaved my way in and out of the tables, I placed a plate of pancakes down in front of a young girl and smiled when she turned to me with a huge grin. In front of her, the Kiddie picture of a hot air balloon was coloured in and her name, Kellie, was smartly written at the bottom.

"This is really good," I told her, bending down to her level and taking the picture in my hand. The young girl smiled at me and muttered a faint thank you. Smiling at her, I rose to my feet again as her parents smiled at me. "Is there anything else you'd like?" I asked politely. Kellie pulled on her father's arm and whispered something in his ear. Looking up at me, he cleared his throat.

"Could I have a small glass of orange juice?" he asked, glancing at Kellie and then back at me. Nodding my head and grinning back, I took the picture behind the counter and stuck it up on the wall with some blue-tack. I then walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of orange juice.

The whole morning, I had been trying to keep myself busy so I could forget what happened last night. I wanted nothing more to disappear but I knew that wouldn't happen. I was going to have to get over it.

As I walked out of the kitchen, the door to the restaurant opened and a tall, bald man in darkly coloured clothes walked in. keeping an eye on him as I walked back towards Kellie with her orange juice, my heart dropped. A tall boy with luminous green hair and a blue flannel walked in behind the man and there was no doubt in my mind who it was.

"Here you go Sweetie," I said, placing the glass down in front of Kellie as she smiled at me. Smiling back gently, I walked back behind the main counter and looked around for Derek, hoping he would serve Michael's table.

Glancing around the restaurant, I searched for Derek once again but instead, my eyes made contact with someone else. Michael. My eyes bulged out of their sockets and I quickly turned away and walked into the kitchen, walking straight into Derek.

"Dude I need you to serve table 18," I said, looking at him with desperate eyes. Derek shot me a confused look as I handed him my pad to take the order. "Please," I asked him, softening my gaze and taking the order he was carrying from his grasp.

"Table six," he told me, indicating towards the stack of pancakes I was holding. Shooting him a grateful smile, I walked out of the kitchen like nothing had happened and gave the plate of pancakes to an elderly man sitting at table six.

I glanced up to see a family leaving the restaurant. Looking around, I spotted their table and headed over, beginning to clean it up. As I stacked all the plates up in my left hand, a small tap on my shoulder almost caused me to drop them.

"Shit," I whispered, rebalancing everything on my arm before turning around. Derek stood in front of me, a slight grimace on his face.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "The guy said he wants you to serve him. Is he an old boyfriend? Because I could tell him you're going on your break or something..." Derek told me softly, helping me stack all the cutlery onto the top plate. Sighing, I shook my head as Derek slipped my pad back into the black apron tied around my waist.

"It's okay, I'll serve him." I told Derek. "Thank you though." Walking back into the kitchen, I left the cutlery by one of the women working at the sinks and headed out into the main restaurant. Glancing at Michael's table, I sighed deeply and prepared myself as I walked over to his table.


Hope you enjoyed, this is more just a filler chapter than anything. Please give me your feedback though, thanks so much for your response to the last chapter. Every single vote and (if im lucky enough) comment really mean the word to me and they all bring a smile to my face.

Happy Birthday to that stupid asshole that makes me smile every single day. Even if it's through a picture, a tweet or even his voice he manages to make me smile. I hope he has the best day and he truly enjoys himself because my sunshine deserves it.

Thanks for everything guys

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