
282 10 1

76 Days Clean.

Dragging the small brush across my nails, I watched as the black liquid spread across the surface and instantly began to dry. Humming along with my music quietly, I placed the brush back into the bottle and tightened it.

It had been two weeks since Calum and I started talking and we have admittedly grown close. The band were currently doing a small tour around New Zealand and Australia so we were in the same time zone. Surprisingly enough, I had gotten used to the fact I was talking to Calum and I wasn't as much of a fangirl as I used to be. I found it really easy to talk to Calum but, I wasn't quick to open up to him.

So, wanna do like 20q's or something? :-)

Grabbing my phone, I unlocked it and internally shrugged. I might as well, I had nothing better to do. Replying with a quick confirmation text, I skipped through a couple of songs until I found one to listen to. Turning it up louder, I shook my hands to try and get the nail polish to dry quicker. I felt my phone vibrate on my thigh so I glanced down and looked at the message thread.

Okay... Favourite song of ours?

Chewing on the inside of my lip, I decided to answer honestly.

It depends on my mood. Either Wherever You Are, Amnesia and Wrapped Around Your Finger or else Kiss Me Kiss Me and Reject. Favourite place in the world?

Clicking send, I gently touched one of my nails and smiled when I saw it was dry. Standing up from my bed, I tied my hair up into a messy bun and walked into the living room to pick up my laundry basket. Walking back into my room, I placed the basket on my bed and picked out a shirt, beginning to fold it. My phone buzzed on the bed beside me.

Back home in Aus, definitely. Have any tattoos/piercings?

Smiling gently, I typed in my reply.

I've no tattoos but I've my two lobes, tragus on my right and a scaffolding piercing on my left. What's your most played song on your iPod?

Therapy - All Time Low. Favourite fruit?

Putting away the clothes I had folded, I sat down on the edge of the bed and typed in my reply.

Sour apples lmao, least favourite drink?

Placing the basket on the ground at the edge of my bed, I locked my phone and slipped it into my pocket. I stood up from my bed and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind me. As I was walking towards the living room, I could hear Beth talking in her room. She was probably on the phone to Michael.

Plonking down on the couch beside Jacey, I took my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it.

I'm tired of drinking water but I still drink it hahaha. Favourite book?

"Are you still talking to him?" Jacey questioned me, just as I clicked send on my message. Smiling, I nodded my head as Jacey scoffed. "Next thing you know, you'll be sucking his polla!" she exclaimed. Furrowing my eyebrows, I glanced at her and Jacey shook her head.

"His polla, chicka. His dick."

"Jacey!" I exclaimed, shoving her arm causing her to break into a fit of laughter.

"By the time I'm done with you, you won't be such an Irish Virgin." Jacey informed me, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her bedroom.

And that was how the day was spent. Jacey and I did ourselves up in ridiculous outfits and did each other's make-up. Jacey insisted I learned how to twerk so we spent quite a large portion of our time trying to get my hips to shake in ways they weren't meant for. Throughout the day, Calum and I continued on playing what probably turned out to be 102 Questions instead of 20 Questions.

Um, seeing as lukes your favourite, whats your favourite thing about him ? I'm running out of questions dammit

Rolling my eyes, I gazed up at the poster on my wall. Glancing down at my phone, 01:36a.m lit up the screen. If I had one weakness, it was that I became very honest and emotional at night. Biting down on my lip, I began to type my message.

Well first of all, his voice. Stupid as it sounds, it calms me down and that why I love wherever you are so much. It was the first song I heard of yours and it really helped me, so thank you guys for that. But then I like when he's shy and socially awkward? If that even makes sense idek man. But his voice for definite. Also, when he dresses in either complete black like in the SLSP video or his destroy yourself see who gives a fuck shirt. I mean, wow. Okay, favourite song you've written?

Clicking send, I rubbed my eyes and began to place my earphones in my ears. Just as I was about to play my sleep playlist, a message appeared at the top of my screen.

Wow lol I never realised you paid that much attention. At the moment, it's probably If You Don't Know. Favourite band? Apart from us obvs

A quick yawn escaped my lips and I decided that I should probably sleep because I had work in the morning. Texting Calum back once more, I played my sleep playlist and locked my phone.

All Time Low or Mayday Parade, but probably ATL. I saw them in March and just, holy fuck. Alex smiled at me and I've never been happier lmao. I'm gonna go to sleep because I've work tomorrow. Night Cal :)

Just as I felt myself drifting to sleep, my phone buzzed on the pillow beside me. Squinting my eyes open, I glanced at the message and shut my eyes again, a smile evident on my features.

Night Lee, sweet dreams xx


Thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed it :) like i said, these couple of chapters might be a bit boring but please pay close attention to them because you might figure out something ;) please give me your feedback because i want to know should i continue on writing or if theres nobody reading lmao. thanks guys :)

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