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17 Days Clean.

Watching the boys preform from the soundbooth was one of the most breathtaking events I have ever experienced. The lights shone perfectly, the sound was deafening but to see the crowds reaction was unbelievable. Seeing everybody jump together, feeding off of each other's energy is just inexplicable. The boys carry an aura around with them onstage, which a novel of description could never suffice.

After the arena cleared out, John began to pack up all the gear and I stayed with him to help. Sound boards went into boxes, Adrian was carrying amps and I just plugged everything out. It was the only thing I knew how to do.

"Hey Shanley," John said, standing across from me and winding up a yellow chord. "A band are booked into our studio tomorrow morning to record something for their upcoming EP. I was just wondering if you wanted to come, I could show you how the music is actually produced? That is, if you're interested of course." John said to me, placing the yellow chord down on the table.

"I would absolutely love that," I gushed honestly. "Where should I meet you?"

"The studio down on 54th, it's not that hard to find. I should be there around nine." John told me smiling, before he picked up the yellow chord and brought it to a big black sports bag.

John and I continued to pack things away in the sound booth while Adrian and Mark worked outside on the stage with the amps. Just as John lifted the last sound board into its case, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Where are you? :-)

In the booth with John, just coming out now in a sec! Where are you?

Slipping my phone back into my pocket, I zipped up the case and clicked the locks closed. Grabbing two cases, I left them outside the booth like we had done with all the others.

"Hey," An Australian accent murmured, walking up behind me and wrapping their arms around me.

"Hey," I smiled, turning around and giving Luke a quick hug. "You were amazing, the show was unbelievable."

"Thanks," he grinned down at me. "I'm going to steal Lee away from you John." Luke said, smiling up at John.

"No problem! See you tomorrow Shan." John smiled at me. Turning around to me, Luke shot me a confused look.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" Luke asked me.

"I'm taking her to Hey Violet's recording session." John piped up, a smile on his face.

"Oh." Luke said, clenching his jaw slightly.

"Who are Hey Violet?" I asked casually, having never heard of the band before.

"They're just some band. Now c'mon, I want to show you something." Luke said, his jaw still set. He grabbed onto my hand and pulled me out of the booth, not closing the door behind us.

"Luke?" I questioned quietly, pulling my hand from his grasp. Luke stopped up instantly, turning to face me.

"Look Shanley just don't, alright?" he snapped at me, infuriated. Luke spun around and pounded down the steps of the arena, leaving me standing there alone.

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