Chapter 1:What the fuck?!

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A boy is seen walking down the sidewalk, he had black hair that was tied up in a bun and yellow eyes. Suddenly there was an explosion, people ran in all directions but he didn't. He stood staring at what caused the explosion, it was the super villain shocker. Suddenly something hit his chest and he was pulled up then slammed down. Then Spider-Woman landed on a lamp post.

Spider-Woman:"Oh Herman, you think you'll ever get tired of this?"

Shocker:"I'm tired of you."

His gauntlet then charged and it caused a seismic explosion, sending Spider-Woman flying. The boy just stood there, he observed the battle. He then had a stupid idea, he ran at the shocker and ta

ckled him.

Shocker:"Thanks for the escape plan kid."

The shocker charged his gauntlet as he grabbed the boy. He put his gauntlet to the boy's head.

Spider-Woman:"C'mon Herman let him go."

Shocker:"If you let me go."

Spider-woman seemed to be lost in thought, then she came to a decision.

Spider-Woman:"Fine, go now."

Shocker:"Thanks, cya kid"

Shocker let the boy go, he tried to run away but was webbed. Shocker growled, he then fired his gauntlet. He went flying, so did the boy. The boy was thrown into a wall, he heard a crack as he began to lose consciousness. Spider-Woman landed in front of him.

Spider-Woman:"No no no, Y/n please."

Y/n smiled, now realizing who spider woman was.

Y/n:"C'mon lift the mask, I wanna see your face one last time."

Spider woman lifted her mask, revealing Y/n's best friend, Petra parker. Tears streamed down her face

Petra:"It's gonna be okay, the ambulance is on the way."

Y/n:"It's too late."

Y/n leaned forward, and kissed Petra she kissed him back,they parted and he leaned back against the wall.

Y/n:"I love you"

Petra smiled, tears staining her face.

Petra:"I love you too."

Y/n then slumped over, causing Petra to cry harder.

<Y/n Pov>

I sat up with a start, I looked around my room. It looked different, everything seemed to be in different spots. He got out of bed, he walked over to his desk. Suddenly a blue screen popped up in front of his vision.

[Welcome Gamer, would you like a tutorial]


Y/n:"What the fuck?!"

I reached out to touch the Yes but my hand went straight through it. I then thought Yes, and another screen popped up.

[To open Inventory, think or say Inventory]


Another screen popped up, on the left was an equipment panel, on the right was a basic inventory panel. He scrolled it and saw there was no end to it. Another screen popped up in front of the inventory.

[To open Stat panel, think or say stats]


Then a screen popped up.

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