Chapter 8:Killing a god

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I was now in New York, having to leave as soon as I got the note so I would be there in time. I was sitting in my hotel room, I was texting Asia

Y/n:Can you take care of Selena for a few days? There's a family emergency.


Y/n:Thank you

Asia:No worries

I turned off my phone and looked at the time. 30 minutes before the plan begins. I got up and pulled the extra clothes I brought out of my Inventory,then got dressed. I made sure I was ready for what is about to go down.

Y/n:'Time to kill a god.'

I left my hotel room, I walked down the streets of New York. I breathed in a deep breath and a stench filled my nose. I let out my breath and smiled

Y/n:'Good to be back, don't think I really missed it.'

I walked to the Empire State Building. I arrived a couple minutes before the plan began, I walked in and saw Poseidon talking with the front desk guy. He saw me and smiled he opened his arms.

Poseidon:"Glad you could make it!"

He pulled me into a bear hug

Poseidon:"You ready?"

He whispered into my ear, I just nodded. We walked into the elevator, he pressed a button that just had 99 on it. I felt the elevator shoot up at incredible speeds. When the doors opened I was greeted with a beautiful sight. Mount Olympus, we walked out of the elevator and Poseidon led me to a small chamber.

Poseidon:"Hurry, we only have a minute before Zues knows we're in here."

I pushed the lid of the coffin and I saw the body of a young Kratos laying in it on his chest I saw the thing we came for, I picked them up and looked at them. The legendary blades of chaos. I quickly threw them in my inventory. I also saw a small scroll in his hands. I pulled it out and read it quickly. It was some coordinates, I shoved the scroll Into my inventory, we put the lid back on the coffin and sped out of the tomb. We walked up the hill just outside of the council room. Poseidon looked at me questionably. I nodded and he then chained my hands and then pushed me into the room.

Zeus:"What is this Poseidon?!"

Poseidon:"He came to me, wanting to betray you."

Zeus:"You insolent little welp! I let you live and this is how you return my favor!"

Time to see how good my acting is.

Y/n:"You had my mother killed! You are the welp!"

I watched as a man I had never met stood up, he had crimson colored eyes, red flaming hair, a red flaming beard, he wore a copper breastplate, he wore just normal trousers with pieces of armor over them, and he wore a pair of blood stained boots.

???:"How dare you speak to Zeus, King of God's, Like that!"

Y/n:"Are you done?"

I watched as he grew angry he reached for his sword but Zeus raised his hand. Stopping him for a moment

Zeus:"You're very troublesome, just like your father, Ares I give you permission to disposed of him."

I did my best to hide my smile. Ares smiled wide, he left his seat and approached me, he grabbed his sword off his back and continued his approach. I watched as Artemis grabbed the master bolt from Zeus' side. At that, I broke the chains and grabbed the blades from my inventory. Ares grew a look of fear at that. I watched as the chains on the blades wrapped around my arms, searing them. I groaned from the pain, when the pain disappeared I smiled wide. I swung the blades at Ares. They both caught him on either side of his neck,t hey cut clean through. His body fell and his head rolled. I smiled, blood splattered on my face. I saw Zeus looking in fear, he reached to his side for the master bolt. But he couldn't find it. All the gods then stood up, Zeus smiled at this, he watched as they all walked towards me, his look immediately soured as they stood behind me. Artemis then handed me the bolt.

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