Chapter 6:Saving Asia

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Issei:"We need your help."

I went to shut the door but there was a foot in it.

Y/n:"Get your foot out of my doorway or you'll lose it."

Issei:"No, my friend needs help!"

I opened the door and looked at them again.

Y/n:"Which pervert is in trouble?'

Issei:"She's not a pervert, she's a nun. Her name is Asia."

I perked up at the name Asia

Y/n:"Wait, what's going on with asia?"

Issei:"She was kidnapped by some fallen, I think they intend on taking her sacred gear."

Luci:'Partner that would kill her, they need the help, they don't seem strong enough."

Y/n:"Fine but this is for Asia not you."

Issei:"Thank you Y/n."

I put on my shoes and we were off. We headed to the old abandoned church. We stood outside, I could sense a few people in the main part but down below I could sense 30 to 40.

Y/n:"Okay I can sense only a few people in the first room, but in what seems to be the basement there are quite a few 30 to 40."

Issei:"Okay, you guys ready."

Yumi and Koneko nodded, and we then rushed to the door Koneko kicked it open hitting a priest in the process.

Priest 1:"It's the devil's they're here for the nun get them!"

They all rushed us and I used [Advanced Element Manipulation] to pull them into the ground, we just walked past them.

???:"Well well well, if it isn't the devils."

Out of the shadow stepped a man, he had white hair that reached the nape of his neck, blue eyes, he wore a priest outfit  and he had a crazed look on his face. I didn't bother to look at his name as I sent a spike of earth through his gut.

??? :"I didn't even get to do my bad guy monologue."

He then slumped over, Koneko kicked the altar aside.

Koneko:"Down here."

We all defended the stairway, at the bottom it opened up to a large room filled with priests. Across the room was a large staircase leading to a platform, in the middle of the platform was a cross. On the cross was Asia she was chained to it. Next to her was a woman in very revealing clothing.


I then pulled all the priests into the ground again, I then put a spike through the woman next to Asia. I then ran up the stairs and pulled Asia off the cross. I watched as the woman pulled herself off the spike, she then put her hands over her wounds and a green glow appeared.

???:"Hahaha, you're too late-"

<Back upstairs>

The priest that had been spiked through the gut lifted his head and looked around, he pulled himself off the spike.

???:"Freed Selzen can't be taken down that easily"

Freed then limped out of the church

???:"So you survived? Didn't think you would, knowing who you were fighting."

The priest turned to who spoke the only thing the priest could remember was the black sclera, and golden iris'

???:"Who are you?"

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