Chapter 5:Questions

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I woke up gasping for air, I looked around at my surroundings. I was still in the Instant dungeon. I stood up, then a screen popped up

New skill created:
[Spartan Rage]:(Activated) Lv.1 XP:0%
The user unleashes their pent up rage, allowing them to take less damage and do more damage.
-50% Damage taken
+100% Damage dealt
Duration:1 minute
Cooldown:1 hour

I closed the screen and looked around, I couldn't see or sense the guy who attacked me.

Y/n:"What the fuck!"

I dragged my hands down my face, I groaned and used [ID Escape]. I was now back on the sidewalk, all the damage had been reversed. I looked around for Sona. Looks like she went home, I pulled my phone out and called her as I walked home.

Sona:"Y/n, are you okay?!"

Y/n:"Yeah I'm fine."

Sona:"Thank Satan, so what was all that about?"

Y/n:"Just some asshole who thought I was someone else."

Sona:"Okay I'm glad you're safe."

Y/n:"Mee too, I'll see you tomorrow."


I then hung up the phone and kept walking. When I got home I walked into my room and laid down on my bed, I then entered my headspace.

Y/n:"What the fuck was that Luci!"

Luci:"*Sigh* That was my little brother samyaza, after my death in the war it seems he's lost his mind becoming obsessed with me."

Y/n:"How is he your brother, he's a fallen angel."

Luci:"When we were cast out of heaven, some of us didn't lose complete faith in God, the ones who did lose faith became the demons. The ones who didn't lose all faith became the fallen."

Y/n:"If you were all demons, how come you're called devils now?"

Luci:"You're just asking the hard hitting questions."

Suddenly a table and two chairs appeared. Luci sat then gestured for Y/n to sit.

Luci:"When I was a young demon I met a beautiful human named Lilith, she stole my heart and attention. We had thousands of children. Those children were the devils. Many other demons followed suit. creating the 72 devil pillars."

I nodded in understanding.

Luci:"When the great war broke out, demons were wiped out in huge numbers, soon there was only me left. That's when I forged my sword."

Y/n:"So you're the reason devils exist, then you were forgotten to their history."

Luci:"Exactly, only a few older devils remember me but those number in few."

Y/n:"Damn, how were you sealed in the sword."

Luci:"When I fought my father he apologized for everything, but in rage I cut him down. He then said something I didn't catch, I felt regret and sadness go through my body. Then everything went black."

Y/n:"Fuck, this puts so much more in perspective."

Luci:"I'm glad, if you see samyaza again please spare him. He is no longer himself."

Y/n:"The only way he is spared is if he chooses to be."

Luci:"I understand, I could not have asked for a better partner."

Y/n:"I know right, I'm great."

I flexed my biceps.

Luci:"And you've ruined the moment, okay get outta here."

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