Chapyer 9:Becoming a god

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Posiedon looked at me with his widest smile yet, he then hopped out of chair and hugged me.

Posiedon:"I'm so glad you've decided to join us."

I hugged him back as the others now surrounded us

Hera:"Congratulations, now we must perform the ceremony, to make you a god."

Posiedon let me go, I turned toward Hera

Y/n:"Well let's get on with it then."

She nodded the gods surrounded me in a circle. Artemis was here now,

Y/n:"How did you?"

Artemis:"I'm a god dummy."

I just shook it off they began chanting

Gods:"We gather here to raise you to godhood."

They were now joining hands

Gods:"We grant you the Title of God of War, and the strength that comes with it. We give you the chance to step out of the ring and end the ceremony."

I did not move

Gods:"By the power vested in us as the gods, we raise your to godhood and grant you the title of God of war."

I watched as golden energy left their bodies, and it entered me, I felt power surge through me. Then pain shot through my every molecule.

[Attaining Godhood]

The pain was beginning to be unbearable but I knew I couldn't pass out.

[Attaining Godhood]

I watched as the meter slowly filled up, I knew I didn't have much longer

[Attaining Godhood]

I fell to my knees, I couldn't stand it anymore, I felt my eyes growing heavy and bile rising in my throat

[Godhood obtained]

I fell to my stomach, all the pain ceased. I smiled as I looked at the screen. Then I passed out. I woke up in an unfamiliar room, I looked around and all the walls were made of marble symbolizing I was still in Olympus. I looked to my right and saw Apollo asleep in a chair. I sat up and that woke him. Then a screen popped up, which I read quickly

[Ascended to Godhood]
+10,000 to each stat
Aging halted
Can now used Ambrosia consume able

I closed the screen

Apollo:"Oh shit you're alive."

Y/n:"Duh, what happened?"

Apollo:"After the ceremony you passed out we thought you were dead, but nah we brought you here and have been giving you ambrosia."

Y/n:"How long have I been out?"

Apollo:"Eight days dude."

Y/n:"Damn I've missed a lot of school."

Apollo:"C'mon let's go tell the others."

He help me up and from there I was fine, I quickly checked my stats

Name:Y/n L/n
Species:Dragon God
Job:The Gamer
Title:God of War
Sacred Gear:Sword of sin
Skill Points:0

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