Chapter 2:Leveling

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I woke up in a black void

Y/n:"Great, I'm dead."

???:"On the contrary, you are very much alive. You are in the head space, the realm where we can meet face to face."

I spun around and saw a man wearing a gray suit with a gray vest. His top button was undone. He had short brown hair and his face had a little bit of stubble.

Y/n:"Who're you?"

???:"I am your partner, my name is Lucifer Morningstar."

He bowed

Y/n:"Damn, so you live in my head now?"

Lucifer:"Yes but I stay silent,I stay in the headspace the part where we cannot connect unless you sleep. Now I know you have more questions but you're about to wake up."

Everything then went white, I opened my eyes and sat up. I then stood up, I then sat down on my bed.

Y/n:"So if I know video games there has to be a way to level."

Then a screen popped up

[Quest received]:Learn to level
Figure out a way to level up.
2 Random Skill books
100 xp

I closed the screen, in my past life I did read a little bit of the gamer, I had literally started reading the day I died.

Y/n:"Oh c'mon how did Jihan level up? "

I was now pacing back and forth, then it hit me, I held my arm up I forced Mana through my arm into my hand

Y/n:"[ID Create]!"

Then a screen popped up.

New skill created
[ID Create]:(Activated):Lvl.1 Exp 0%
Used to create instant dungeons
Stronger instant dungeons may be created at higher levels
Time Dilation:1:1
Currently available ID list:
1.Empty ID-Monsters:None
2.Zombie ID-Monsters:Zombies

I then closed the screen, I raised my arm and created a Zombie ID. I ran outside, everything was either burning, crumbling, or overgrown. In the streets were shambling corpses each one in a different stage of decomposition. A few saw me and started approaching me. I pulled my bow out of my inventory, and a quiver appeared on my back. I grabbed an arrow and notched it. I pulled the string back and let the arrow fly. The arrow hit a zombie in the head.The now lifeless body fell to the ground when it hit the ground. Its body exploded into white particles which dissipated into nothing. I then notched another arrow and took out another zombie. I then took out the final one, then two screens then popped up.

[Zombie Killed] x3
150 Xp gained
7 Zombie teeth
3 Zombie flesh

New skills Created:
[Marksmanship]:(Passive): Lvl.1 Xp:0%
The art of using ranged weapons, it determines your accuracy and power with a Bow or gun.
Current Skill level:Novice
+10% Ranged weapon damage

I closed the screens and put my bow back into my inventory. I looked for my sword but couldn't find it.

Lucifer;'You'll have to summon it."

I jumped at the voice

Y/n:"God dammit that scared me, anyway how do I summon it?"

Lucifer:'Imagine the sword in your mind, then focus on your dominant hand. Then imagine the sword in your hand. Simple really."

I did as he said, I closed my eyes and focused on remembering the sword, the long black Black blade, the oroborus tsuba, and the black leather wrapped handle. I then focused on my right hand and imagined the sword appearing in it. Suddenly I felt a weight in my hand, I opened my eyes and it was in my hand. But before I could celebrate something lunged at me, a zombie.  I jumped back and sliced diagonally at it, I watched as the two halves fell to the ground and became particles. I then saw a horde approaching me, it looked to be thirty of forty. I finally used observe on one

The Overleveled Gamer (Gamer x Dxd)Where stories live. Discover now