Chapter 4:We're Devils

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I was sitting in class not really paying attention, I stared out the window thinking of what to do after school and suddenly I was brought back to reality by girls and guys yelling about a princess or something. I turned and saw a girl who stood at about 5'5 she had long blonde hair that reached just past her shoulder blades, she had blue eyes, and under her left eye was a small mole. Above her head it said [Yumi Kiba]<Blonde Princess of Kuoh> Lv.29

Yumi:"Can I please borrow Issei Hyoudou and Y/n L/n?"

Irina:"Yeah the lesson is over, you two go ahead."


I got up, slinging my bag over my shoulder, and Kira started to walk out of the classroom. Issei and I followed her.

Issei:"what do you think this is about?"

I just shrugged and kept walking, we soon exited the school, we walked up to a building that was overgrown with vines on the outside. We walked inside and it looked like it was just built. She led us up a staircase, she then opened a door on our left and gestured for us to enter. I entered the room first, there was a small coffee table, with two couches on either side, directly past the coffee table was a desk, on the left couch was Koneko, Kira walked and stood in the left corner of the room, I saw on the floor was some kind of occult circle. I sat on the left couch next to koneko. Issei sat on the right couch. I then noticed the sound of a shower running.

Y/n:'Kinda cool they have a shower here.'

Issei noticed the sound too and had a really weird expression on his face.

Y/n/Koneko:"What a creepy/Lecherous face."

We looked at each other, she broke a piece off her chocolate bar and offered it to me. I took it and ate it.

???:"My my it seems koneko likes you."

I looked over and saw a girl who had long black hair that was held up with an orange ribbon. She had beautiful violet eyes and she wore the Kuoh female uniform. Above her head it said [Akeno Himejima]<Thunder Priestess> Lv. 40

Akeno:"And you must be Issei and Y/n. It's a pleasure, I'm Akeno, the vice president of the club."

Y/n:"Nice to meet you."


Akeno then grabbed a stack of folded clothes and handed them to who I suspected was rias.

Rias:"Thank you Akeno."

Issei was making that face again, it was starting to piss me off.

Y/n:"Hey perv, quit making that face before I make it permanent."


Issei looked down in what seemed to be shame, I then saw Koneko was looking for a fist bump and I obliged. Rias then pulled the curtain aside and stepped out, still drying her hair.

Rias:"Sorry, I didn't get a chance to shower this morning."

Y/n:"Ah it's fine."

Rias:"Now onto our first part of business, do either of you have any knowledge of the supernatural world?"

Y/n:"I have about as much as Issei over there."

Rias:"Then not much."

She then began to explain the whole supernatural world and the whole great war. I pretty much zoned it out.

Issei:"Why are you explaining this to us?"

Rias:"Because Issei, we're devils."

She said that everyone let out their wings, even Issei.

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