final update

774 12 2

I feel so unmotivated to continue writing the overleveled Gamer, I wish I didn't but I have just started to hate it

I love DxD I love the gamer format it just this exact story.

There is so much I could've done better,  I just wish I could do better for you guys but I can't.

Not right now at least, I'm gonna work on making a better version, the one out now is v2, but I'm gonna work on making a v3

I love the Greek stuff but I'm definitely cutting it out especially Kratos it feels like such a cliche fanfic thing to do

I'm so sorry to those who enjoy this story, I hope you'll stick around to read v3

Until Next time, Bye

The Overleveled Gamer (Gamer x Dxd)Where stories live. Discover now