Chapter 3:Meeting a God

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I I woke up to an alarm going off. I groggily reached for it but couldn't find it. I sat up and realized I was sleeping on the floor. 

Y/n:"Fuck me I should've actually laid on the bed."

I stood up and shut the alarm off, I began stretching. I sat down on my bed. It was Sunday, I had decided not to do anything yesterday. 

Y/n:"if I want to level up easier I need stronger dungeons."

Then a screen popped up

[Quest received]:Level up more efficiently

Level up ID create to level 20


Loot box


1 Xp

Y/n:"Why the fuck am I only getting 1 Xp!"

I sighed and closed the screen, I knew what I had to do. 

Y/n:"Fuck me grind time."

<Timeskip:there ain't no rest for the wicked money don't grow on trees>

[ID create leveled up]

[Quest Completed]:Level up more efficiently

Level up ID create to level 20


Loot box


1 Xp

Y/n:"Finally thank fuck!"

I closed the screens and opened the ID create skill page

[ID Create]:(Activated):Lv.20 Exp 0%

Used to create instant dungeons

Stronger instant dungeons may be created at higher levels

Time Dilation:3:1

Currently available ID list:

1.Empty ID-Monsters:None

2.Zombie ID-Monsters:Zombies

3.Goblin ID-Monsters:Goblins

4.Ogre ID-Monsters:Ogres

I closed the screen, and stood up. I opened my shop and bought a few health and Mana potions. 

Y/n:"Okay, looks like I'm ready, I think."

I raised my arm and I created a [Ogre ID] the room around crumbled away, I was now in an open field. I looked around and saw hundreds of ogres, some sat around campfires while some roamed. They stood at about 12 feet tall, they had pale green skin, some were lean and cut while others has huge beer bellies, and they all wore loin cloths just enough to cover whatever they were packing. I also noticed there were no females. 

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