Chapter 7

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[Selene's POV]

Dad sat to my right and Lionel sat to my left. At the very end of the long table, Lucca sat like a king who impatiently demanded to be served first. The table was lined up with plates, eating utensils, glass cups, and napkins--Luisa told me the boys didn't know how to properly use their utensils.


Since Luisa and I  had cooked so much food, we decided to put it all on a separate table for everyone to line up and grab what they want to eat, like a buffet table. Lusia stood up as soon as everyone settled into their chosen seats. The room had three large tables connected in a row, that seated 25 people each including one person on each end. 

"Alright boys. Here are the rules, no pushing, no shoving, you use the serving spoons and not your dirty hands-- 

She paused for a second and watched each man suspiciously."You did wash your hands right?" It was like a busy board room of sweaty male models seated for a photo shoot, each of their heads rolling up and down like a human sized bobbled heads. "Good--you guys can eat them."

Once she said it, it was like a stamped of large buffalos charging for the food table. As they moved, the air became suffocating and I was holding in the puke threatening to spill out of my mouth.

God, men smelled horrible.

"Stop where you are," Dad's voice boomed commandingly from where he sat. Every guy stopped in their tracks. The guys nearest to the food table drooled over the steaming sweet and sour ham I roasted. I could see them licking their lips and rubbing their stomaches. 

"What is it now Grant?," Lucca glared at his older, yet lower in rank pack member. Unlike his men, he was still situated on his seat. 

I thought he wanted to be first.

Dad pushed his chair back causing it to grind on the floor. "Don't you pups have manners? Women go first, even before the Alpha." Dad took hold of the back of my chair and I went along with it embarrassed.

"It's okay dad, really." I mumbled, staring at my plate avoiding the attention of a couple dozen eyes.

"Why that's the sweetest gesture you've ever made Richard." Luisa gushed. She walked over to me and grabbed my wrist before I could retort. "Don't be shy darling. You were the one who cooked most of the food, why shouldn't you get first bite. Excuse as boys!" She pushed through them like she was parting the red sea.

Lucca palmed his face and folded his arms over his chest staring daggers at his mother. He didn't say anything this time and allowed his mother to drag me around whichever way she wanted.

"Your men not only need training, but they need good etiquette class too." Dad added more insult.

Lucca grind his teeth and irritably began to tap his fork on the side of his glass. "We are a pack of wolves, Grant. We don't need manners." He spat.

"Just because we are wild in nature doesn't mean we need to act the part. There needs to be balance in a good pack and this one clearly lacks it"

Lucca slammed his fist into the table and it collapsed sending the plates and eating utensils sliding that direction. "I don't need a Beta with a big mouth, old man. My father may have requested you upon his death, but he didn't tell me I could banish you from this state or continent." The threat was real. I could feel my palms visibly sweat.

"Throw me away I dare you." Dad challenged. 

Luisa let go of my wrist and cursed under her breath. "What did I say about starting fights?" 

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