Chapter 11

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Alpha Soren's visit left nothing but more stress for Lucca and his new gained frustration targeted anyone who walked directly in his path. Just breathing his air pissed him off and the whole house turned upside down when he explodes.

When I walked passed him, from across the room, he'd send me a dirty look that made me want to rethink my next move. I didn't even know what I did wrong. I had to hold off going to the bathroom one time because I was afraid he'd follow me in!

The new, neurotic, Lucca made everyone in the house fearful of living in the same building with him. Practices became gruesome and Lucca worked his men like machines, until they fall dead by the end of the day.

"One more time," Lucca said, running from the back of the group to the very front of the line.

Today was like any other day. Lucca continued training his men in preparation for his pack trial. In two days he will find out if the Alpha position was his to keep.

I remained at the back with my dad, jogging at a slower pace to watch for stray men. There was a couple times were some would make a quick escape for rest or water break. Lucca claimed and I quote, "Weak mean stumble to their needs. Strong men can take the fatigue."

Although it was freezing cold in the morning, once the sun hit it's highest around 11am, the heat was unbearable. The men stripped from their tops--luck for them, they could run around half naked. I only had tank tops for workout clothes and obtained new tan marks after five hours of standing under the sun.

"We should stop here." Dad yelled over the herd of men.

Heads turned and for once the men, who used to think dad was evil incarnate, looked at him as if an angel took over his body and uttered blessed words to their ears.

"Why," Lucca spat. "We have the other half of the track to finish."

He was really persistent to torture these men.

"We need to start a new training approach." Dad replied.

Lucca's brow arched. "Which is?"

He crossed his arms over his chest and his pictorials tightened. I shyly looked away hoping no one saw me ogling the Alpha.

"We should try traveling through the trees." Dad suggested. "This way they will be able to learn how to move stealthily across the rough terrain."

Knowing that dad was right, Lucca merely nodded and pointed at the group to head for the trees.

"Once I say 'go', all of you head for the top of the trees. I don't want to hear a single sound from any of you. I want all of you to move like shadows. I don't even want to hear any of you breathing. Got that?"

There was a ripple of yesses and the group disappeared like a flash of black lightning.

Lucca smirked when he stared at the ground. He squatted and picked up a small-pebbled rock off the ground. "This should be interesting." He muttered.

Dad, silent as usual looked at Lucca blankly. "What is interesting?" He asked.

Lucca got up and threw the hand with the pebble behind his back. Without warning, he threw the pebble aimlessly at the sky.

I was confused, until something that sounded like a "ouch" echoed across the forest.

Lucca snorted. "I sensed him from a mile away...pathetic."

I looked at him with disgust.

He saw me from the corner of his eyes and rolled his eyes. "If this were a real dangerous situation, that fool would have been dead first."

Still...he shouldn't have to act so mean about it.

"SHIFT" Lucca's voice thundered so loud that birds resting on the treetops flew away. "You don't need to shift," he said to me.

Dad must have tensed up too, because I saw his shoulders drop a little.

I mentally blew a breath, glad that my secret wasn't blown. I realized in less than a minute, why he asked me specifically not to change into my wolf.

Clothes started to fall like rain above our heads. A pair of briefs landed right near my feet and Lucca growled when he saw it. He kicked the ground with the tip of his foot and dirt covered it.

That person will literally have dirty underwear.

"Grant, I want you to gather some rocks. We are going to hit them with it." Upon hearing my small gasp, Lucca assured me. "Don't worry, these small things won't hurt them."

"I don't see what the point of this is." Dad said.

Lucca covered one rock with his palm and when he opened it, dust replaced what the rock used to be. "If they get hit, they know they are not doing a good job at hiding. Besides, it will be a lot of fun on our part." He laughed.

I seriously wanted to hit him over the head, even if he claims to be my mate.

"This is not part of the training plan." Dad said to himself.

"Plan-shman, live a little man." Lucca chuckled and I saw that gorgeous smile that melted the inside of my chest. "Hey that rhymed!" He exclaimed happily, which was a rare sight. "Ready or not boys here I come!" he yelled.



Later that evening...

"You shouldn't be hard of those guys." I said, when Lucca walked out from his bathroom.

It was like I couldn't breath when he walked out of the bath with only a towel covering his waist. He was dripping wet all over and I just wanted to run over next to him and dry him off like puppy. But it was impossible to think he was just cute.

No, he was sexy hot!

"So how do you suggest I train them? Give them goodies at the end of the day and pat their heads like good little dogs?"

He was mocking me. "No, but encouraging them would also help."

"We are talking about grown men, love. Not little boys."

I blushed when he uttered the term of endearment.

He walked over to his closet and took a pair of clothes out. Lucca had two of his drawers emptied to make room for the few items I brought to the cabin. He was very keen about organization and sleeping in the same room with him the last couple of days made me realize how much a neat freak he was.

The towel around is waist fell to the floor and I squealed covering my head over the sheets.

"You could have warned me!" I yelled.

His husky laughter got closer and when he pulled the blanket down, his face was directly over mine.

I was so used to sleeping in the same bed with him and he respected my space, but occasionally there were times when he liked to rattle my nerves.

This was one of those times.

"Have you ever thought about who your mate would be?"

That question surprised me.

"No, not really." I never thought I'd have one in the first place and now he was standing right in front of me with only a pair of basketball shorts.

"Me neither." He whispered.

His spaced out and looked at me.

"Stop looking at me like that, it's creepy." And embarrassing.

"Were you surprised that your mate is an Alpha?"

What's with the questions?

I shook my head, "I don't really care." That response ticked him off and a low rumble escaped his throat. I quickly corrected myself. "I never thought I'd have a mate."

He sat down at the edge of the bed, right near my feet. "That's ridiculous, every wolf has a mate...unless they're dead."

I didn't comment. I wasn't going to tell him I thought I didn't have a mate because I am an abomination that wasn't supposed to be born.

How would he react if he found out who I really was? Would he accept me as his mate?

It wasn't like he accepted me now, but he won't let me leave his sight.

"On Sunday...if they strip me of my Alpha position-

His voice cracked and suddenly I felt a wash of sympathy for him.

"Don't be so negative. My dad promised you progress and I've seen the difference now compared to before. Your men are going to be ready on Sunday."

Silence passed between us.

We both had our hardships-mine maybe a little complicated, but he was facing his while I hid from mine.

The more I thought about it, the more I believed how our lives were similarly messed up.

"You know, when I was a kid, my dad used to train me with such brutal tactics. In the middle of the night, he would pretend our house was under attack and he'd have his men pretend to kidnap me."

No wonder, he was so uptight.

"When I was a kid, my dad taught me how to defend myself," was my lame response...

He sighed. "We should sleep now."

From the tone of his voice, I could tell he was still bothered by something.

"Are you okay Lucca?" I whispered.

He rounded the bed to lie on the other side. "Yeah." Didn't sound like it.

It was always so awkward between us.

I wrapped myself with the blanket and welcomed sleep as Lucca turned off the lamp light.


What was that?
I thought I was dreaming until I felt movement right next to me.
"Lucca, is that you?"
The itching pain at the back of my neck returned, but ignored it concerned for Lucca.
"Don't...don't" He rambled incoherently.
"Lucca" I pressed my hand to his side and began shaking him, but he kept repeating the word "no" over and over again.
"Your having a nightmare Lucca! Snap out of it."
His hands reached out and ripped the blanket off of the bed. Next thing I knew, he had me underneath him with his hand holding mine over my head.
"Lucca what are you doing?"
"Mine" he growled.
His wolf was in control.
Dad always warned me not to stay near him when his wolf was out of control. It was when your strongest painful emotions got the best of you and your subconscious mind releases it's darkest needs.
"Lucca, I know your in there. Come back!" I screamed.
His knee pushed between my legs and he leaned forward. His warm breath brushed the side of my neck and shivers ran down my spine.
His lips were directly over my ear when he whispered, "mine".
The itching pain at the back of my neck intensified that I felt like my head was spinning.
My heart bounded against my to cage so profoundly, I thought my chest was going to break.
A rolled from the base of Lucca's throat and I've never felt fear and pleasure all at once before.
It was like another part of me was eager to be release, but it remained at the surface ready for the right moment to come.
"Mine" Lucca said again but more calmly.
I didn't know if it was still his wolf taking, but in the next minute three things happened.
Something hot, soft and moist slide across the hollow between my neck and shoulder. Then a sharp point dragged against my skin until it pierced through it and a scream escaped my lips. A hand covered my mouth, then a horrid crack that sounded like bone filled my ears before I passes out.

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