Chapter 44

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"Where are we going? Shouldn't we stay with the group? It could be dangerous traveling alone like this."

Before we separated from the group, Alpha Soren and Derrick had a hard time trying to calm Hunter down. The kid screamed for his parents, but sadly they didn't want him and he didn't understand why. They rejected him as easily as a bag of trash. The kid didn't want us to touch him and he was adamant of sitting on the ground until his mother would take him back.

No one was going to come back to him.

The whole scene was saddening, but we couldn't stay a minute longer. For it was a risk towards our safety.

Of course Beta Grant wouldn't leave without his biological son; the sister was as equally stubborn. So I took the boy around the waste and carried him kicking and screaming until we reached about 12 miles away from the human community. He fell asleep and I handed him over to Alpha Soren because Beta Grant was too severely injured to carry the prepubescent boy.

She continued asking questions-questions I have not bothered to answer. I held her hand as we walked down the quiet path. I told my men to walk head back to the back house with Alpha Soren's pack. They were all so tired after the past few days; with cuts and bruises on their skin. Unfortunately, we had four casualties: three from my pack and one from Alpha Soren's.

"Lucca, what's wrong?" Since left hand was intertwined my hand, so Selene placed her other hand around my bicep.

"The house is gone, there for we have to head back to the main house." I stopped walking to face her and cupped both sides of her cheeks to look her in the eyes. She looked the same as the first time I met her, but now there was a slight glimmer of emotion in her face. Unlike before she was closed off. Now, Selene looked at me as if I held her future and I LOVED it.

"What are you trying to say?" The concern in her face made me smile, because I adored her so much.

She placed her hand over one of mine and shifted her head to the side as if displaying her equal passion towards me.

"When we return, it will be decided if I can keep my position as Alpha. If I keep my position, we will be moving into the main house were I grew up in. Where the memories of my parents retain and the place I hope we will build our future in. If they strip me of my birthright, I want you to know that I will always protect you. Even if I become filthy poor, I will work hard so that we can gain ranking again!"

Tears brimmed her eyes. "Lucca, the would be dumb to not let you remain as Alpha. You have the strength, the intelligence, the fortitude and the respect of your men. No one could replace you. Yes, you are not 100 percent perfect, you made a few mistakes, but that was because you hadn't warmed up to the job yet. Your dad was killed and you were thrown in to the job! How could they expect you to know what exactly you were doing?"

I sighed smiling, knowing she was right, but dealing with the politices of werewolf community, you had to be either old and influential to get you want and I had neither of that.

"We will find out tomorrow. I have a feeling after tonight, the news about today will be spreading like wildfire. Alphas from all sections of the continent will be demanding the verdict of this case."

"Lucca Shut up," my frowning mate pronounced. "You will be Alpha still. I have no doubt about it."

Forgetting all that worried me, I smiled at her sheer determination. I bent down and kissed her before she could say another word. She was surprised at first and I laughed between kisses when wrapped my hands around the small of her back to bring us closed together and she squealed.

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