Chapter 30

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Selene caresed the Alpha Soren's baby as if it were her own. The smile on her face spread as the infant's brows pulled together in a serious frown and she hummed to the kid with the softest of tunes I've ever heard come from her mouth.

"Isn't he adorable Lucca?" The soft twinkle in her eyes made every inch of me want to throw myself at her and give her as many babies as she wants.

Alpha Soren leaned down and smiled at his child. "You don't have to hold him anymore Selene. Your arms will get tired."

"I don't mind. He is just to adorable to let go!" She whispered not wanting to wake up the little pepsqueak. "When I was a kid I always wanted a baby brother, but I never got one." It was merely a chaste kiss on the baby's head and I felt like throwing it out the window.

Not that I would actually do it--my wolf is acting really nuts right now and it's messing with my brain!

Alpha Soren glanced at me from the corner of my eye and rolled his eyes. I shot him a glare and he splayed his arms out for Selene to hand him his son. "Thanks for getting him to go to sleep." He wrapped the baby blanket firmly around the kid's tiny body, but his little feet popped out.

Selene gushed, "His toes are so tiny! Aren't they Lucca?"


I really wanted to get out of here and spend more time alone with her. Talk about what I plan to do for our future. What we should do if I don't keep my alpha position.

Listening to myself, I feel like a middle aged man going through a midlife crises.

"Selene, I know this may be a difficult topic to talk about, but can you please tell me what happened to you and my mate while you were being held captive?"

I immediately get up and yanked Selene's arm back so I could better glare at Alpha Soren. "The timing is really not a good time."

"I know, but the sooner we gather more information, the sooner we can get our hands on those humans, stop whatever they're plotting against us and save those they stole. My Beta can't lose his head especially at a time when I need him the most. You know how hard it is for males to concentrate if their mates are taken."

"I know." I hiss between my teeth. Selene places her hand on my back and I look at her grateful that she was at my side. "Where is your Beta?" It was kind of weird for me to say his name because we had the same name and I'd feel like I would be talking about myself.

"He's roaming around the territory on his own."

"He might run looking for Martha!" Selene gasped.

"No, he is more controlled than that." A part of me is taken back by those few words. When Selene was taken, I wasn't strong enough to control myself and I left my pack to him to find her. An Alpha is nothing compared to a Beta, but Alpha Soren's Beta has more restraint that me. I felt weak and it hurt me inside.

"Is there anything we can do for him?" My mate the saint.

"He's still upset, no one can blame him. Derrick told you of what we know, so I don't have to repeat myself. We plan to confront the hunters and deal with them. Either they leave us alone, or we will retaliate against them. It's a pain when I hear about them attacking our kind. We've lived peacefully with humans without them even realizing what we are. Hunters continue to torment as because of their traditions, but they don't realize the modern age is nothing like the past. We don't need to fight anymore!"

"There is no way of talking to them. They are way to stubborn and prideful go their legacy." I muttered.

"I wasn't able to see what happened to the others because I was upstairs hiding the kids. They took me and shoved me in a van with Alpha Peyton. There were no windows either, so I didn't know where we were going."

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