Hunter's Short Story

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Part 1 has now been posted on my Blog. Password: Hunter


Hunter's Story

(This short story starts 3 years after the epilogue of His Dominion)

"Would you like to come with us?" She poked my side aggravating my mood much more than it already was.

"No, I have a lot of work to do." I told her.

Hopefully she will just get the hint and leave me alone.

"Hey," her voice sharpened. This particular girl just loved to poke on wolves. "Listen when I'm talking to you!" She sounded just like her mother and for that reason I had to remind myself that this girl isn't one to anger.

I felt the waves of anger diverging from her small body and lashed across the surface of my back. Marielle, now a stubborn thirteen-year-old, was a dreadful combination of both her parents Alpha Soren and Alpha Peyton. Like most of the young pups in this pack, she was annoying and even more so with me.

"You're always busy!" She complained.

In last three years she has grown quite a lot and her head could touch the tip of my nose if standing. Sitting down, we were practically on parallel planes.

Her brows pulled together and a massive glare that could easily leave a full grown wolf shaking in fear was directed straight at me. Unfortunately for her, that trick didn't have much affect on me. Considering, I was half-wolf and I wasn't part of her father's pack. 

I had asked to temporarily become a resident of this pack two years ago, after my first shift. Because of who I am and the origins of my birth, I was given permission from Alpha Soren to stay and train under his supervision. That's the only perk of being different.

Read the rest of part 1 (posted Aug30, 2015) on

Go to my profile and click on my website >> Password: Hunter

Next parts will be posted soon!! ^^

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