Chapter 23

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"I want you to keep a look out. I'm going to search the perimeter and find an opening inside." Alpha Soren ordered me. Although, I hated being told what to do, considering I was Alpha, this one time I made an exception, because my mate's life is at stake."They will pay for laying a hand on my family." Alpha Soren spat. With two of my men following behind him, he ran towards the side of the house where they swiftly climb up the trees and enter the shattered attic windows. 

"They block all the entrances, back and front of the house." Grant pointed at the two groups of camoflaged men wearing bullet proof vests.

"The bullet capules are silver, so watch yourselves." I warned them.

The look on Grant's face told me we had the same thought in mind. "I can't pick up any of our scents in there. They must have moved Selene and the others out of the house." 

All I could think about was if my mother was okay...and Selene. Where was she? Was She okay? Was she able to escape? But what was I kidding, Selene was not the type of she-wolf to run and leave her companions. I groaned to myself at what state I would I find her in--badly bruised, or worse, dead.

Unexpectidly, I didn't think I'd recieve comfort from none other than Richard Grant. "Don't worry...If I know my daughter, she will put up a fight. She will come out of this alive."

I nod although not completely relieved. "You're right. She know how to take care of herslef." I remebered how she easily took down Jerome  that one time. I shouldn't worry too much and concentrate on the situation right now. First take back control of my house and then find out were she is.

"Looks like they got their way in." I looked up and saw three unidentified human males crashing through the windows. Alpha Soren appeared from the window and signaled us the all clear, but the crash was not left unnoticed. The humans heard the noise and started firing at which way direction like scared lunatics. They were quickly disarmed and left unconcious.  

"Something isn't right," Grant muttered. "They wouldn't have left a dozen of their men behind for us to kill. There must be something inside they didn't want to leave behind. But what?"   

We entered the house and find injured humans unconcious on the floor.

"Don't worry..." Alpha Soren punched one man who was about to strike him with the sharp end of his riffle. The poor guy didn't have a chance. He went down with a single punch delivered by Alpha Soren and crumbed to the ground. "I didn't kill them, they are just badly beaten up.' His eyes were completely dialated and his wolf was mostly in control. 

"Search the house and look for anyone of ours that can still be alive." I commanded with a shout that had everyone flocking.


Both Soren and I looked up not knowing which Alpha was being called upon. Lionel lowered his head when the both of us growled in unison. "Umm..." He looked at the both of us wondering who to address.

"Just speak already," Alpha Soren said irritated.

"We found..." He looked at me directly and I saw the petrified look on his face. This was not good. "...your mother Alpha." My heart felt like it was being ripped into shreads and when he said the last few words, I felt like someone had just stolen the ground from underneath my feet. "She's dead, Alpha, I'm terribly sorry." 

I didn't even feel my knees break down, or when I sank to the floor. 

"Lucca," Grant grasped both of my shoulders to keep me from completely falling to the floor. 

Alpha Soren cursed under his breath and ran his hand down the back of his head in frustration. His head looked side to side searching for something. "Where is my Beta? Has anyone seen Luca?" He yelled. 

"We have completely searched the place. We haven't found anything or anyone else." One of my men said. 

My mom

The woman who raised me, the only woman I loved, the only person I felt like kept me grounded was gone. 

"Lucca," Grant shook me, but I wasn't at the right state of mind to answer him.

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