Chapter 28

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Watching her, I knew Selene finally found herself--her true self--her wolf. Her eyes squeezed together and she looked as though she was deep in thought. I itched to touch her but feared that one touch would make her lose her concentration and her wolf would run back to the far corners of her mind.

I smirked inside remembering how carnal she behaved earlier. She radiated with pure lust and it took all I had to grip onto my self-control.

I barely did.

What I thought was the sun and moon beaming at me, her beautiful eyes opened and she took by breath away. It was not Selene gracing me with her presence but her wolf.

"Run with me." Shifting into my wolf, I sprinted through the trees knowing she would follow me. Not a minute sooner her crème colored wolf ran aside me on all fours.

We ran a long distance. At first we raced, then Selene's wolf broke off on her own relishing the freedom she never got the chance to have. I followed behind her and felt pride watching my beautiful mate explore her surroundings like a child seeing the world in a new light.

She stopped running and paused by a stream. Her panted breathing told me she stopped to drink fresh water and recharge. I took the spot next to her and nudged the side of her jaw.

The water was cold when I dipped my muzzle in and tasted its freshness. I wasn't going to let Selene drink dirty water! Right when I was going to tell her it was safe to drink, she leaped into the water and sent a slash soaking through my thick fur coat.

For a second I thought I heard her huskily chuckling. When I looked up she was halfway submerged in the water. The bottom surface of the stream was extremely slippery and I've seen my men accidentally fall from unstable rocks.

What if she falls in and gets hurt?!

I carefully walk towards her and I could feel the small peddles pressing between my paws. With one bark I ordered her to stay where she was and not move until I was with her.

She purposely wanted to piss me off. Instead of staying where she was, Selene turned her back in a quick motion and her soft tall smacked me right across the face. She ran out of the water, shaking her fur back and forth sending droplets back at me. are going to get it, mate!

Her pink tongue hung from the side of her mouth, teasingly. She was clearly tempting me.

I love her eyes. Every time I stared at her they were the first things I admired on her face, besides her taunting mouth. They twinkled before she sprinted again. And so I chase her as I expect to do for the rest of my life from here on out...

"You two went farther then you promised."

We both looked up leaving our kill on the floor, a large stag. Her father stood a couple feet away from us with an intimidating angry look on her face. He looked at me when he addressed us, but as soon as his eyes narrowed in on his daughter, in her wolf form, he blew a gasket.

"Selene, what are you doing exposing yourself?"

The way he said it sounded like she was in the forest running around nude.

What a sight to see.

"And you, you idiot! I told you to watch over her, not to get her in more danger!" I noticed the wrinkled clothes in his hands and watched him throw my cargo shorts on the dirt by my feet. "Selene I have your clothes. Change behind a tree."

Selene briskly made her way to her dad and grabbed her clothes from him with her teeth. I've never known a girl who could change so fast. Selene was in wolf form and not a half second past she was in her human form and dressed in a shirt with shorts. I loved the view of her gorgeous legs.

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