Chapter 36

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After two days on foot, we arrived at boarder of the Emery estate, the epicenter of the hunters' mass organization. Also home to Malcolm Emery, the man that ruled over almost every hunter in the continent with an iron fist. Never in my life had I ever stepped into their territory. It was usually them pouching in mine. I wasn't going to be stupid and get myself foolishly killed--not with my mate waiting for me to come home. Every action I took, I was going to be cautious and well aware of what everyone else was doing. My pack depended on me.

More than 50 of my men came along for the mission. When neared the 10 mile radius of the estate, half my team stopped and situated themselves in the area. I had ordered them to stand by there incase the hunters decided to slip past us during our attack and go after our territory. Also, if we traveled in a large group it made us look obvious.

"Alpha Lucca," Alpha Soren nodded, giving me the signal that my Beta (Selene's father) had just been captured by the hunters at the front gate.

That was our plan, but it was hard to stomach as we watched idly from the shadows as Grant was beaten and dragged inside their heavily gaurded gates. 

"He is a brave man." I heard one of my guys’ murmured.

We all looked at Richard Grant with different eyes today. My men all used to see him as evil in the form of a grumpy middle aged man, because he would take joy watching them practice his torturous training exercises. Now they view him as a hero for taking one for the pack. I see him as a  man doing what's best his his daughter, who's leaving behind a sad past and saving what the future has in store. 

I pitied him a little. His history with my father has been a good one, up to the time he had dissapeared. He was well-known to be the best Beta of his time. It is horrible how faith has twisted his life into a string of horrible events. Had those events not taken place, Selene and I would have not met.

"All we can do now is wait for his signal and if he doesn't give it before sunset, that means we attack." I said.

"Can you see up there?" Alpha Soren pointed at the top of the fort. "They all carry silver loaded weaponry. Be careful not to be seen. We don't want to lose any man by the end of this."

It was half an hour, before sunset. Still no signal from Beta Grant and I was starting to worry. I didn't want to come back to Selene telling her her father was dead. The pain would kill her and I refuse to see her suffer anymore. I have already lost two parents, I didn't want her to feel the same agony.

"Twenty-five minutes, Alphas" Nathan stood next to Eric. The two were usually always together, because they balance each others talents. Nathan the tracker and Eric the enforcer. 

"Wait a little longer." My teeth grinded together.

Come on Grant...Where are you

"They seem to be talking up there," Beta Luca observed the human men above. "Something is up."

"Then why hasn't Grant sounded the alarm yet?" Alpha Soren muttered.

A howl, a bark--nothing.

"What if they had killed him?! We can't just wait here, we have to move!" Christian grew restless from where he hid behind a large oak.

"Shut up, you're going to get us caught." I hissed between my teeth.

"Calm down. don't make me place Derrick next to you." Alpha Soren glared at him. "He still has a quarter hour. If he doesn't give us the signal--brace yourselves."

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