Chapter 39

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He placed the whistle between his chapped lips and blew yet another horrid tune.

"I want to shove that thing down his throat." Victor cracked his knuckles.

The human hunters tracked our trail from under our feet. Their dogs ran in circles as they sniffed our scents from all directions. I was a grat idea on my part for hiding in the trees.

"Don't be an idiot Victor," Isaac shot at him.

"I know what you are but what am I?"

"Hush, you two. Stop arguing like children." I elbowed Isaac becuase he was closer.

Isaac rubbed his rib. "No wonder Alpha Lucca has a hard time controling you. You are a piece of work."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, or kick your sorry ass off this branch and let them have you."


I rolled my eyes. "Remember the plan. We attack on my signal."

"Do we go on 1 or 3?" Rick asked.

"You'll know when." I retorted.

"You have to be specific." Rick frowned.

Can this team get any stranger?

"Rick, just shut up and get with the program." Victor knelt and chuckled when one of the dogs stopped and peed on the tree we were currently occupying.

"Let's get this show on the road." I grinned at all of them. "Don't go down for anything. Even if it looks like I'm in trouble."

Brian looked weary. "That makes me nervous."

"I assure you, I will be fine."

"And if you're not, it will be by head on Alpha Lucca's wall." He gulped. "I'm supposed to be in charge of this team and that includes you."

"I'll save you before Lucca skins you alive." I say before leaping out of the tree.

I hear him mutter a curse just as soon as my feet gracefully land on the ground. On landing, my feet step on a branch that snaps and I catch the attention of all three hunters and their dogs.

"Werewolf," one of them cries.

I almost laugh.

They all turn their riffles in my direction. From the top corner of my eyes, I see half of my team ready to attack, but I send them a instant glare from beneth my lashes. I zero in on Brian's face and I see him visably turn pale. Shaking my head and warn him to stick with my plan. If he ruins it, guess who's head will be firmly planted into the ground.

"I'm looking for my mate, what have you done to him!" I fake cry.

My act is so believeable, I almost broke a grin when their faces scan me like I'm the grand prize.

"Who's your mate girly?" One of them asks.

"You took my mate from me!" I cry like a hysterical human girl that found out her boyfriend just cheated on her. "My mate is Alpha Lucca, you dumbasses! You took him from me and you are going to pay!"

Their grins turned into massive full out smiles.

The plan was for me to catch them off gaurd and knock all of them out. It was easy taking down three human men. I remember watching dad do it once.

A couple years ago, we had gone on a late night run together and we encountered three humans hunting on our trail. They weren't hunters, but they had guns. They were probably a group going on a camping trip, looking for deer. Dad turned into his wolf and led them in a wild goose chase until he knocked them out miles far away from our house so they wouldn't come back again.

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