Chapter 18

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A small wolf appeared above me, parched on a thick branch.

"Alpha," it responded.

"You can rest now, I'll take over." He nodded once and disappeared behind the tree.

Me, Grant, Jerome and Alpha Soren each led a group of 24 to 25 men, including three elders. Meaning there was one or two hunters assigned to each group. We were now scattered across he forest for the next five days. Before we separated I gave my men one more message, which might very well be my last as their Alpha.

"Be alert and watch yourselves."

Each face shown with determination and just that one time, I let go of my facade and gave them a generous smile.

I morphed into my wolf and leaped up the tree to where Lionel was previously. The sky, dark and black, held no trace of stars tonight. The clouds were heavy; a sign that rain was coming. Alpha Soren had been right.

I wonder how Selene is doing.

It's been merely a couple hours since I saw her and I felt like I was going insane! Why did my wolf have to lose control and bite her? Every couple minutes my thoughts wonder back to her because of our fresh bond. 

What if she gets careless and her wolf comes out!

No, I’m assuming too much again. Mom was with her. I'm sure she will be fine! However, I've heard rumors that Alpha Peyton was just as cunning as her father, the cryptic Ivan Istas white wolf. Their bloodline is legendary to most. Alpha Soren’s mate may not know about Selene's secret for now, but she can sense a lie from straight under her nose. 

I kind of pity Alpha Soren for having her as a mate, but he seems to be okay with it.

A howl echoed across the woods catching my attention, probably fifty miles from here. I listen carefully and identify the same wolf make a second howl.

A pained noise 

Shit, someone of them must have fallen into a trap! 

From a distance, a flock of birds flew away and headed the opposite direction. Quick on my feet, I landed gently on the ground and ran as fast as my four legs could take me. My group of twenty-five were scattered around a mile perimeter, hidden beneath the darkness. As I made a full circle, the twenty-five quickly mirrored behind me in battle formation.

Their emotions of anxiety itched into my scalp as our pack connection surged through my thoughts like a frantic electric spark.

"What happened?" Lionel asked running on my left in human form like everyone else. 

I shifted so that I could even my pace with them. 

"Someone wasn't careful." My expression remained stern as I told them this. My ears picked up the sound heartbeats increase pace. "But we won't make that mistake." I assured them. 

The wind shifted west and the smell of blood tingled my senses. 

"Their hunting," Marina appeared behind Lionel. I almost forgot she was with us. For an older woman, she can sure run really fast, while the other three elders where running meters away from the group. 

"Eating to build up their energy," Lionel muttered. "Maybe we should do that. I speak for the men alpha. We are all hungry and we’ve been running endlessly.” Heads nodded in agreement. 

I blamed my mother for spoiling my men with her cooking.

I shook my head. "Can you smell that blood? If this were a real situation, they would have stupidly led the enemy to their location."

And I bet that group was Jerome's.

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