Chapter 25

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"Oh-my-god," I muttered.

Witnessing new life come into the world is supposed to be the most remarkable thing to ever see, but right now, I felt frightened. The stillborn baby's lips blued and his mother remained silent. Were they both dead? I thought in horror.

"Alpha Peyton" Stirring her knee, I shook the possibility that she could be dead to the back of my mind. "He's a boy." I croaked softly. My throat constricted from holding back the tears.

I looked down at the blood covered infant and gasped when I noticed he was turning bluer by the minute. What was I going to do?! I felt helpless.


I needed to give him air! I had to clear his air way and immediately. It was stupid of me not to have done it in the first place. I held him against my chest as ripped the bottom half of my shirt and wiped him clean as best as I could. I pressed my lips carefully on his tiny ones and blew in small puffs. His lips parted and I lifted my head up to see the little guy start crying.

"Help me get them out." A voice says from the front and the vehicle stops.

I take Alpha Payton's cold hand and tug on it. "Your son needs you." I tell her. I press my finger on the pulse point under her thumb. There was a faint evidence she was still alive.

The car doors slam shut and I hear them walking towards the back. "I'll take the pregnant one, you handle the other one."

I clutch the baby tighter in my arms, giving his as much as my body heat as I possibly could. No matter what, I wasn't going to let them have him. The doors open and light blinds my eyes.

"Damn, what happened here?"

"I think the Alpha chit is dead man! That other mutt must have killed her. The boss is going to kill us." he grasped his hair in frustration, glaring at me as if this was all my fault.

"No dimwit, I think the chit delivered her pup! See...she has the little creature clutched around her arms."

I growled when one of the men pointed at me with the baby.

"But is the female that's not moving dead?" They ignored me.

"I don't know, let's check." He made a move towards Alpha Peyton and crouched between them.

"I won't let you touch her!" I barked.

"Milton, get the baby and tie her down."

The other man made a move and I growled louder and snarled. The man recoiled back and looked at his partner with fear.

"Don't be a wuss, they are just animals." He tossed him something. "Here, Taser her."

My heart pounded at the sight of the small electrical object. "You wouldn't..." I gasped. "You monsters! I'm holding a new born baby! You will kill him!" I cried.

The two men looked at each other. "She has a good point. The boss wouldn't like that."

"I'll rip your hand off if you get closer." I threatened. The baby's eyes remained closed, his fists curled over his chest and legs bent over his plump pink stomach. So innocent and mine to protect.

"What's with the hold up?" Someone else yelled.

"One of them is going wild!"

"Then tranquillize her, we are wasting time." That person handed his a gun and he pointed it straight at me. I squeezed my eyes shut as if to block the imminent pain and turned with my back towards them to shield the baby with my body.

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