★ norman & ray | Because of You (pt.3)

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─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .*:★. ─── '
Type: Fantasy
Warnings: Horror, Depression
AU: Mythical/Modern
Norman: 26 Y/N: 24
Credit: David Jones
─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .*:★. ───

An hour passed after you confessed your love for the albino conductor. A made informed you to go to the dinner car letting you know it's breakfast time. You did so. It seemed quite busy. Luckily this was the human dinner car. At the south end, there was a mythical creature dinner car.

Only some of these humans looked like elves to you. You started to question the rules as you sat down. Though once sat the group behind you got up to leave for another seat. It sent a chill down your spine. Eventually, a waiter flipped out her pen and began to take your order.

She has short red hair and green eyes.
Reading her nametag it read as Emma. You just told the girl you would like eggs, bacon, and hash browns.

"What type of toast Mrs?" Emma asked you as she wrote on her pad.

"Sourdough." You answer, "I'll take some orange juice as well."

The girl nodded, "Alright! Will be ready in a jiffy." She smiled kindly at you before walking off to the other car.

You sigh and took out your sketchbook. Suddenly you began to doodle uncontrollably. Who or what did you draw exactly? Well no other than Norman himself. In several poses more or less. Realizing what you drew your eyes grew as you slammed the book shut.

Soon the whispers behind you became louder. You grumbled looking behind you as you watch two elves giggle and point at you. You turn away in shame holding your arms. Seconds after the redhead places down your orders.

"Alright here's everything! Anything else you'd like?" She claps her hands together.

Your hand reaches out for the silverwhere "Norman." You say softly.

She stiffened and blinked quite quickly. Emma was an elf herself. She had quite long ears but one was ripped up. "Excuse me?" She asked.

"Nothing." You sigh picking up silverware for the meal as she then left.

Fifteen minutes pass. The door opens again. You don't bother to look knowing it was Emma but then suddenly heard his sweet voice. Asking if everyone is enjoying their meal. Though you even hear some point you out to him. Saying you make them feel uncomfortable.

Eventually, the conductor made it to you. So you stood up with still a piece of toast and two bacon slices left.

"I shall go back to my car." You sigh gathering your sketchbook and phone.

The albino rose a brow, "You draw? Let me have a look." He sat down gently taking it from you.

Normally your heart will thud but it was like no one is home. You felt frozen as your arms grew cold. He flipped through a few pages. Complemented them. The whispers of hatred towards you grew louder. Your heart grew numbed to the ice.

He also said you should make something out of your art. Sell it. Then he got to the sketches of himself. He froze too but then ask if he could take a page. You nod as he gently ripped one out.

"Y/N, don't worry about what everyone else says. I can stay with you till you finish." He says as you just nod.

Slowly you picked up your fork as you finished your meal. You then began to ask questions of what country or world you would end up in. Norman couldn't answer those sadly. Though he did let you know you had three hours left of your ride.

Eventually you two got up as Emma came to take the dishes and place them on a rack. The two had a chat. She then asked him to follow to talk to him privately.

"Now Norman. You hopefully do not share feelings with this moral?" Emma sighs, "If you express any it can put your job in danger."

He rubs his neck and looked back at you watching you leave. "I know. Listen, I wouldn't even know how to love her if that makes you feel better. I'll make sure she stays clear from everyone till we make it to her stop." He then explained a few more words to Emma before letting you back at your empty car.

He looked down at you as you adjusted yourself. Norman cleared his throat, "Now time works differently on here. Once we're at your destination it would be like you never left even at a different time zone."

"Huh?" You asked tilting your head.

The albino sighs, "Try to get some rest okay?" He forced a smile before beaming down to place a kiss on your head.

This caused your cheeks to flush deeply. He began to leave as you reached out to grab his hand. He froze as you stood up. Your cold hand grabbed his other hand trying to get him to look at you.

"Y/N, you shouldn't do this." He sighs looking down at you.

You bit your lip knowing you shouldn't. Though you couldn't help yourself. The two of you just got lost into each others eyes as he finally shared a small real smile to you. You can finally feel that he was finally finding the light he needed. So he softly reached his big hand to cup your small cheek.

The conductor's thumb gently brushed against your cheek before he bowed down to place a sweet kiss on your lips. It was quite sweet as his moist warm lips brushed on your peach chapstick. The pressure grew intense as he soon let go. His eyes instantly looked alive as he looked back and forth at the car doors and sighed letting go.

"I promise I will escort you off the train." He began to leave in a hurry.

"But, Norman! I don't want to meet this man. I rather work here on the train as a maid to be with you." You pleaded following him to the door as he groaned.

"Y/N it's not that easy. I already broke the rule of falling in love with a passenger. If they find out" He stopped himself, "You can't lose your reality. You can explore the world. I can't I'm stuck here. Listen, this situation is complicated. Well, talk more later." The albino left and looked like he was in distress as you saw him run his hands through his hair while walking down the other car.

You hiccupped covering your mouth making you feel left alone you again. Walking back to your seat you sat down and brought up your knees to cry into them.

Part 4 soon

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