★ norman | in another world

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─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .*:★. ───
Type: Drama, Astrology
Warnings: Depression, Polotics/race mentioning TW
AU: Modern
Norman: 21 Y/N: 20
─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .*:★. ───

It's the start of a new semester. Summer is ending, leaves are falling. Your hand reaches to check the time on your phone to check the time. Ten AM. Grumbling you get out of bed to take a quick shower. After you chose to where a brown academia style outfit. With brown pleated pants.

You grumbled yet again throwing your bag around your shoulder ruffling your hair going down stairs.

"Ahh, just the person I was looking for. Can you please give these homemade muffins to our new neighbors next store? I'm coming home late so I won't be able." Your mother hands them to you without giving you an option

"Gee, of course mom." You scoff rolling your eyes slipping on your shoes before exiting the house. Looking up into the sky you froze. Instead of a faded moon there were rings wrapped around.

"Since when did Earth have rings?" You sigh scratching your head.

Your neighbors taking a walk or gardening didn't seem to be bothered by the strange event you were witnessing.

"Whatever I must be dreaming. I'm going to deliver these then go to class." You scuff and walk next store. After crossing the lawn you reached the porch to ring the door bell.

A few seconds later a quiet handsome man opened the door beaming down right at you. Instantly you melted looking into his eyes.

"Hi!" You greeted, "I'm your new neighbor, Y/N and my family baked you all muffins as a welcome!" You grinned as he then gently took it from you.

He hummed, "They look lovely. My name is Norman and we just moved from Xuphuatania. Would you like to take a step inside?" He offers.

Norman? Your heart instantly skipped a beat. Wasn't his name from that one manga you read back in 2019? You swallowed shaking your head. Your still confused of the word he just spited out.

"Where?" You asked following him inside the house.

He chuckled pulling out his phone leading you into the kitchen. "Xuphuatania." He showed you a postcard like photo of his home planet that were on the rings of the planet you are on. It's No longer Earth. Your no longer home

Instantly you pulled out your phone to do a quick search to find out your on planet Endyke and the Milky Way galaxy is several light years away. You started chuckling.

"You alright? You seem quite pale Y/N. Maybe your hungry?" He offered food and started to prepare you a bowl of fruit.

"Norman, how far is Earth?" You knew a somewhat answer but what we his reaction.

He stuffiness turning to you, "Why did you mention that nothing but carbon planet?"

You exhaled, "I don't know. I just thought we could explore light years you know? Maybe that planet has life too?"

Norman chuckled, "Of course it has life. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? We send a thousand of our people and they never returned or gave us any information back. Sorry, I know we just met but I can't help to think that you're strange." He placed the bowl of fruit in front of you.

You thanked him kindly picking up a fork.
"Do your parents work with Llarvis 8G2G?" Which was the equivalent to NASA back on Earth. Your thumb slides down an article.

He nods, "There in a near by solar system right now."

"Which one?" You ask.

Norman rose a brow, "Did you ever take silence class in high school? Why is your HQ so low?" He sighs, "Luhithea."

You type on your phone. It's a near by galaxy only a thousand light years away. You look up space ships that are able to travel through light. It seems as if it's a normal thing. It only costs around 80 bucks to fly to local plants and a few thousand to travel galaxies.

After stuffing yourself you thank Norman for the fruit. He then says he has class in 30 minutes. You say you do as well. The both of you end up attending the same collage. Pacific Grove University. He offered to drive you in return for the muffins.

It's true. Something about you fascinates him. Not only your strange curiosity but also your eyes. They have a slightly different tint then to what other humans on the planet have. All he needs to do was slit your wrist to find your microchip to know your an "alien"

Would he turn you in? No. He would most likely try to learn where you come from and see if your harmful or not.

Part 2?

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