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Hey ! So this update is for the 6 reader's who just read my previous chapters ! U guy's inspire me UwU .... ( Softly crying) ..
Thanks for reading i hope you like this chapter please vote! ..

Tae pov

Jimin ! PARK JIMIN ... I shouted
Wtf mr. Who the hell shouts this loudly, you want me to become deef or something? .. jimin the secretary of Mr. Kim Taehyung and also my best friend.. or should i say my only friend! Question me ..he must have run all is way to my cabin i guess ..hehe

I chuckled looking at him ! I shared everything single thing with him . He is the only one ofcourse who i trust . .

"Yoo bitch! I know I look good but that doesn't mean you can stare at me like that !" Jimin said waving his hand in front of my face . ..

" Huh? But he looks more cute and handsome than you " i said with smile on my face as i remember his fac--

" HE ? Did you just compliment someone ? Who? Are you in love ? oOO GOSH THE KIM TAEHYUNG is in lovee ? And you didn't even tell me ! I am your best friend how could you do thi- "

" Shut the fuck up jimin before i cut your tongue! " I said making him shut . Which he did

"Soo? " He asked

" So what ? " I replied

" So who is HE ? " He said making himself sit infront of me

" Umm .. so it's like i met him yesterday! "

" Where? " Jimin asked being excited!

" Umm he actually suddenly came infront of my car!  Guess he was in hurry! He looked all messy but still cute ! His big babi brown eyes , with long eyelashes! Bunny teeth , i guess he is univercity student, his sweet voice that's somehow calms me , i can't sleep thinking of him JIMIN!"  I finally finished

"Soo my soulmate here is in love ? "He said wiggling his eyebrows

"It's not love jimin !" I defend

"So my bestfriend or should i say my boss is having a crush over a university student ? " He asked making be blush . What the fuck .. did i just blush ! What's happening to me ... God !

" Someone's red though! God you are in love my boss !" He said before exiting my cabin

" Am i ? " I wisper myself.
Anyways i had work to do.. let's got back to work i said opening my pending file's..


Jk pov


" I m up " i yelled and soon i heard footsteps getting lower and lower .
Aishhh ! I sign *

Almost caught and maybe got killed by jin hyungs pan . I looked at watch let's get ready jk if you don't want another car to hit you .. i smiled remembering yesterday incident .his voice ! Aishhh let's go !

I had a quick bath and walk towards downstairs greated my hyung before having sit on dinning table .

" Hyung! I will be late " i yelled

" Don't yell to butface boy, here you're breakfast and banan milk " jin hyung said placing my breakfast on table

" Thanks hyung " i said before diging in .

Hyung! I m going bye bye take care ! I shouted before closing the door running..
But this time i make sure i won't get hit my car again ! I smiled before crossing road . Then get in my bus and was on time in University!

Okyyy that's for today!
Wait for next chapter and vote if you want me to continue 😙😙
Good day !
Sleep well !

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