final meet 👀

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Tae pov ;

I woke up and look at the clock that says 5.30 .. great it's morninggg .. actually I couldn't sleep the whole night how could I when today's the day ...
I woke up dashh towards the bathroom doing my morning routine and got ready .. I wore my black blazer with white shirt under it . With black trousers .. and tie on the neck with I really don't know how to tie ..

I smiled looking at mirror... Goshhhh "calm down your ass " I said until I heard my phone ring ...

"Hey , jiminaaa u ready ?"

" It's 6 bastard I just woke up  a call you to wake u up but seems someone haven't sleep out of excitement " 

" shut up and get ready I will pick u up and we'll lead towards school "

" alright.. lover boi "

*hung up *

Let's wake my baby up

Good morning babyyyy
Get upppp
Risee and shineee 😙
My bunny boi🤍❤️
Get up baby Don't u have school


Mine ♥️
Let me sleep will u ?
And I still have a hour to sleep

But daddy's up bunny
And needs attention
It's been while since I talk to my bunny

Mine ♥️
According to my memory
We talked yesterday stop being dramatic. Pervert ass .

So don't u miss daddy?

Mine ♥️
Can I just sleep it's still early
Today I need to attend a freaking seminar I was just gonaa watch my series.

It's alright darling u can watch it afterwards seminar will end in an hour or two
I guess !

Mine ♥️
Yehhh still I m lazy !
And why are up so early ?

Ohh gonna meet someone special today I couldn't sleep all night that's how excited I was .

Mine ♥️
Ohh who ?
I mean your girlfriend or something

Why ? Are u jealous or something?👀

Mine ♥️
Huhh! Why would I be jealous
U ain't my boyfriend of something
I m not sleepy anymore
I will go do my morning routine
And btw enjoy ✨

Sure will do  😙

Awee he's being jealous of himself it's hard to handl Jeon ..

............................................................ ....................
Jk pov

Prevert ass 💕
Sure will do 😙

Why does he meeting someone else makes me sad ? .. what wrong kookie . Am I really falling for him , aidshhh that prevert. A small tear rolls over my chin without me knowing I was already crying. For some who I don't even know properly. Who just play boy. I walked towards bathroom and did my morning routine.

I was not in mood eat so I skip the breakfast and headed to school I would have taken a bus but I was early so I prefer walking.

The only things got in my head was him .. if he already has someone special then why do he call me with such couple names ? Was he just playing around? Bundle of questions were blocking my head and my heart hurts..

I was hating it. I reached at school gate and saw the black car getting inside. The car It feels similar to me.

" Heyyyyy kook " Kai shouts waving his hands with hobi and suga beside him .

" so mr. Late is early  I see! u oky ? "
The guy named Kai tease

" Everything fine here except your brain " I replied heading in

" wow that was savage ". Suga said with a laugh.

" let's go guy's" the sun shine spoke.

Time skip to seminar hall

Oky attention everyone so today the special seminar arranged for students.
Let's wellcome today's guest .. we all know him The youngest ceo in the business world mr. Kim Taehyung .

Everyone started to clap as the youngest ceo entered in the hall looking breathtaking handsome.

Tae pov

I entered in the hall as everyone started to clap, with jimin behind me I stood on the stage near mic the professor started to introduce me .. but my eyes were searching for that particular doe eyes that holds my whole universe in it ..

And soon I my eyes were locked with his .. he eyes went big I remember the way the almost cryed that day . God how can someone look this cute while crying. I wanna hold him and want to hide him from the cruel world ..

" Mr Kim "

" Mr. Kim "

" Yehh" I answered professor who was calling me

" please have a seat " professor Kang said offering seat .

" yeah sure  thank you" I bowed siting

I couldn't help but to stare at those beautiful eyes and face . Also that oversized hoodie makes him look way more cuter..

End of tae pov

Little did they don't know another two eyes were locked and were smiling shyly .  

Time skip

In the whole seminar tae nearly forgot to blink while the other one was red by stare . 

Okyy class anyone has any questions?
Please raise your hands . Mr. Kim will answer you ..

Soon buch of girls raised their hands .

Mr. Kim are you single ? The girl ask blushing

"Yes I m single . But I have my eyes on someone " Taehyung said locking his eyes jungkook . How looks down unable to meet the instence stare .

Ohhhhhhhhh the students yelled. Cuzing to break the stare of eco .

Okky students that wasn't what you really supposed to ask to guest .. so let's end the seminar then .

"Umm mr. Kang actually I have brought some coupon for students if you won't mind I can " said Mr. Kim

"Yehh sure mr. Kim "

"Students mr. Kim have brought couples for you guys everyone take one and leave ".  Mr. Kang announced

Everyone started to head towards mr. Kim jimin was distributing the coupon
Soon the suga  came forward with hobi Kai and kook behind him .

Taehyung came front seeing his bunny boi  he grabbed the last coupon and gave to his bunny .. Jung kook smiled thanking him . But was shocked when he heard what the eco said .

"Anything for my bunny boi "

He wide his eyes looking at the ceo .. who was stood infront of him looking deep into his eyes .

" Daddy ?"

" Yes mha baby boi. " Taehyung then came closer to jungkook ears and whisperd

" Didn't daddy said we'll meet soon baby "

Alright that's it for today guy's..
Hope you like it do comment if you want jungkook to express his feelings
Or Taehyung to express his feelings.
Do comment!
Saranghe ♥️💜
Meet u in next chapter.. till then stay healthy stay safe 💕

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