Good morning 🌞

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On very great morning sun was shining as bright as he could . Which caused great disturbance to a certain boy sleeping peacefully cuddling his boyfriend ..

The elder let out a small groan slowly opening his eyes .. but soon his annoyed look took a 360 turn and he was smiling looking at the figure next to him. Admiring his every detail feature of his boyfriend..

Ohh not to mention how much he loves to call him his boyfriend... The elder look at his bunny his eyes closed, Messi hairs  the little scar on his cheek bone which rather enhanced his beauty moree. Two bunny teeth visible from his red soft lips drooling from his corner of lips.. the elder let out a chuckle at his sleeping beauty..
Still continuing to adore him ... Ending with a mole under his lips.. he gently cares the mole with his thumb wondering how much the mole invites him to kiss him..

"The moree I look at you the deep I fell for you". Tae said carrying so much love in his eyes..

The bunny chuckled and blushed hard at orders comment turning his face to the other direction..

Tae chunkled at his cuteness and kiss his cheek. 

Taetae .. let's freshn up u have office to attend. Remember.. kook said getting up .

" How about we do that together " tae said with a smrik .

"Noo u go first I will prepare your breakfast Jin hyung and joon hyungs went out for some work " kook said and ran out of room before the CEO can caught him..

Tae finished his morning routine and went downstairs and went to kitchen to see HIS  BOYFRIEND cooking with a pout as he was struggling to open the packet of bread.... Bunny was so considerate that he  can't sense his boyfriend's presence who was  looking at him with smile reaching to  his ears.

Yahhh ! You better get opened or else my boyfriend will distroy youu.... Hump !

Hhahhahahhaha bunny boy *laughing*

Kook jumped a little hearing the laugh first but was now glareing at him ...

What's so funny?

Hahah ha my boyfriend

Kook blushed at the statement and looked down hiding the red blush ..

Taee cooed at him and back hugged his bunny boy immediately. Pecking his neck why so cute in early morning babyyy.

Tae slowly started to sucking and kissing his neck ....

Ummmmhmm~ ahhhm...~da_daddyyy let me mghhhh~ cook u will be lateee for office

Tae took a big amount of skin in his mouth making sure to leave a dark hickey. And then kissed his last time before turning his bunny..

Urghhh. Bunny boyyy I will be home soon if I won't had important meeting and would had have you right hereee..  tae said with deep and seductive voice that sends chill to little boys' spines ..

Tae then give a quick peck on his lips then forehead.. and took his breakfast which was served... And went towards dinning table.

Fuckkk!  Kook was so stunned then blushed hard understanding what just happened.

Tae came back to kitchen kook looked at him confused.

Need something taetae..

Yesss actually I forget .... And he picked up kook in bridal MY BOYFRIEND.  Tae said and smiled ..

Daddyyyy .. I will have my breakfast later you can have yours...

Nooo I can't without you food doesn't taste good you know  tae said and kook just chuckled at That..

Then both had their breakfast while kook was sitting on tae's lap feeding him kissing him here their every time giggling and and laughing..

Tae then said bye and kissed his boyfriend and after so much struggling kook made him goo as the CEO kept winning not wanting to leave the younger..

Kook then does his morning routine and got ready for university too.


Heheh !

Sorry I know it's been nearly a month so I want to publish this chapter  on my birthday but something important came so I need to postpond it .....

Sorry about that hope u like it✨💕

Love yaa !
Stay safe guy's ❤️
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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