Mr. unknown?

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Continuous messages was dropping on a certain phone which belongs to none other than bunny boy, who was sleeping, i guess was sleeping cause it's distrubed now !

Shiitttt what the fuckk ?  He said trusfrated (frustrated) while grabbing his phone from table

Loverboi: heyy! Baby

Lover boi: how was the trip ?

Lover boi: don't ignore me baby, i am sad      are you sleeping?     

Loverboi; i need attention baby !!! 

Babyjeon; who the fuck ? Is this and i ain't your baby ? You little piece of shit..

Babyjeon: and stop annoying me for god stake !

Babyjeon: don't you dare to message me again, cause i don't know who the hell are you!!

Loverboi: ummm! Rude but you're username said you are baby..

Babyjeon: fuckk off ! I m sleepy it's fucking 4 am get some sleep bastard

Loveboi: awee is my baby worried?
Don't be baby, daddy is good

Okkk! Short chapter with lots of suspense
Will end soon! 
Vote you guy's!
My silent reader's 🤧


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