Love in the Air ..💜

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It was morning now the cute couple was cuddling that's when the sunlight hit the bunny face who was winning now and opened his eyes just to see a handsome face who was already looking at him.

Good morning my bunny boi..... The handsome man said. Which turned the bunny more red then he already was.

Morning t-taehyungiee.  Bunny softly replied.

Bunnnnny tae sang while hugging him crushing him in his arms..

Hyunggiee too t-to tight bunny struggling said

Tae quickly loosened his grip and apologized

Bunnnnny tae asked


"Does it hurts" asked tae with worried look

"A little bit " answered with red face.

Tae chunkled and overhead bunny

W_what are youu do_oing daddy

Youuu deep voice

Daddyyyyy winnes the bunny struggling to push daddy

Who was laughing looking at red face bunny. .

Look at you being all bold and hot in night and acting all shy and red now said tae .

To which the bunny pouts .

Aww how can a human being be so cuteeee .. tae said being all dramatic keeping his hands on his chest .

Bunny pouts more turning his face apposite side ..

Ohhh is mha bunny angry on daddy?
Look daddy is sorry. Tae the CEO touching is both ears ..

Hmp! Kook ignored the apology and tried to get off from bed but as soon as he stood up and intense pain rush through his lower body and he was about fall .. luckily tae was their to hold him .. he carried bunny to his bathroom and both had their morning routine.. while tae trying to make up with kook .

Time skip ........

Kook was all ready to go to his house but one guy was still winning holding look from his waist tightly telling him to stay ...
But since all the drama happened kook haven't contacted his Jin and joon hyung they must be worried about him.

Kookieeeeeee can't you stay for today I will miss you so much ..

Taetae u know na hyung must be worried about me I haven't called him yet .

Okk then if you won't stayyy her take me with you.   I will stay at your appartment.

But taetae mha appartment is not big as yours.. 

Babyyy you being their is enough for me to be comfortable... Now no if buts we are going I'll go get dressed..

Time skip

In the car 🚗

Kook was comforting tae who was worried that whether kook's hyung will like him or not . That to after nowing that he already took their little brothers innocence. Being ceo he have been many people's but meeting hyung's was making his head go crazy... What if they don't like me ?  What if they don't let my bunny be with me ?  Thoughts were enough to make him panick.

Dadyyyyyyyyy Kook shouts into his ears ...

Ouchhhh ! WT  ? Tae yelled but looking at a culprit he forgets it ..

Daddy u alright? Asked bunny with soft worried voice.

Yessss mha bunny boi .. he said hugging him bunny hugged him back with a smile .

Taetae we are here , let's go  hyung's must be waiting. Said kook

Waittt tae yelled

What happene_
He was shut with a soft pairs of lips kissing him softly yet deeply after a long kiss both backed away in search of some oxygen. Kook hugged tae and whispered
" Don't worry daddy hyung's will like you.. and even if they don't I would still be your bunny and you'll be my daddy"
. That' s what tae wanted at that time some comforting words ...
They backed away and went inside the house hand in hand ..


I know you guy's must be mad at me but trust me I wasn't at my right state I went blank to make another chapter.... 
Hope u guy's understand! And I will try mha best to update frequently!!!✨

Hope u guy's like it ....
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And stay healthy...
Saranghee 💕✨🥹

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