boy friend?

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It's been a while now kook and tae both hangout alot . Tae comes to pick up kook as their timings are similar at morning.
Tae drops kook at school and then goes to his company. Also he comes to pick up kook after school and drop him back home . This was their daily routine part now. And both love spending time with each other ..

Tae usually wines for a kiss while leaving and picking .. it's like he charged kookie ..
In behalf of the pick and drop services . And loves when tae shows his bubbly and baby side to him .

Tae is very cleared that he loves that little bunny boi and want to spend his rest of life with him. But he doesn't know if kookie feels the same . He thought of asking it but he doesn't want to ruin their special bond so didn't dared to ask it .

Whereas kookie love spending time with tae but he's still confused about his feelings. He hates when his other classmates specially girls ask kookie about tae and comments him.

The day's were spending well untill one day Tae was really busy with his upcoming project that he don't get time to drop kookie home from clg .. they were distant from each other through tae make sure to msg kook every possible time he had ..


The same routine continued the project was giving hard times to taehyung. But ofcourse he was an amazing ceo . He was giving his best but he missed his bunny boi so much. He haven't able to see the bunny for like weeks that felt like years to him.

Whereas kook was sad because his daddy had soo much work to do .. he missed his daddy too . He always gets tae's office updates from his so called secretary. Park jimin ..

Jimin had become kooks best friend since he's dating the sleepyhead. Jimin inform kook about tae's office updates. While kook update him about the sleep one . Sounds like deal isn't it.

Currently kook was in his room doing nothing until he's phone rings. He picked up and heared a loud voice..


"What? "
" Why do you have to shout shorty"

"Heyy first of all I m your hyung and second of all dare to call me that again and I won't tell you today's incident that I think u should know "

" Ohh my cutie sexy taller hyunggg, what happed "

" That's correct, so it's nothing just like normal your daddy miss you alot and is so frustrated that he couldn't see you for a week know. He's giving me hard times now. Also the new employee is testing is patience " he said in one sentence.

" I miss him to jimina , and what about this new employee?" He frown

" She's firlting with your daddy all time just making excuses to go in tae's cabine. That bitch " sign *

" That bitch" said bitting his teeths in anger

" Be careful kookie. Make a move and ask him out before any other bitch try to take what's your's "

" Yes jimin"

" Whatttttttt"


" You said yess, that means you love him ... I knew it "

" Noo that's not what I said stop day dreaming shorty "

" Yeah yeah keep making excuses and my words may come true " said and hang up*

This shorty thinks too much.. but why does it makes me uneasy when other girls firlt with daddy . Do I really fall for him ..
Nha it's because of that shorty ... But I miss him .. *pout*. What can I do ?

If he can't come but I can go to meet him ..
Yesssss ..
I will visit his office tomorrow..
The bunny jumped happily on his bed .
Later he texted his daddy but doesn't got any reply so he slept.


That's it for today guy's ....
Let me know if you like it ..
The next part is going to be fun ...

He's so cute even while sleeping 🥺💜💤🐥

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He's so cute even while sleeping 🥺💜💤🐥

Also thanks for voting  @ArdraRB.

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