2 meet or 1st ?

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Heyy! Babies new update let's get in
Babies i am just running out of idea's please share yours! I would love to hear it. ..btw enjoy this shit chapter...

Jimin pov

"Suga hyung ! I m here ". I said waving towards him

" Umm hii " he said before looking down tapping his feet , he seems nervous i mean who will not be when they meet their online friend..

Actually i texted him like not him a wrong number it came out to be him we had seen eachother by sending pictures but never met physical. He was rude at first when we started texting but later we became friends. Actually i had feelings for him i mean maybe he act like he don't a fuck but he does, his little care the way he compliments , his swag everything make be feel something good in my stomach!..

"PARK JIMIN! " Suga yelled

"Huh? Yes ? " i Flinched that's when i realised i was lost in my thoughts i smiled awkwardly he just looked at me and chuckled

"I was calling you from past 5 minutes! U okay? " Suga said with a worried look on his face .

"Ahh! No i mean yes i am okay "i said

"Ohk, then let's go, shall we? " Suga asked

"Yeh ! " I said smiling widely .


TAE pov

"WTF " i busted out this guy's can't even no how to make a fucking presentation, also where the fuck this jimin went. Why he needs to be on leave.
I rested my head on my chair closing my eyes trying to calm myself that's when i remember the boy , just like that my lips curved upwards forming into a soft smile .

I started to think of him , what he must be doing now ? Does he remember me like i remember him ? Probably no he haven't even seen me . My thoughts were making me go crazy, aishhh i sign and star to do my work.

.. ..................................

Jk pov

"Kookieeeee on time i see" hobi hyung said giving me a hug ..
I chuckled he is always so excited, and active " yeah hyung " i said
"Let's go to our class then " hyung stated
Yeah , but were are others kai and suga hyung? " I asked .

"They won't come today" he said


" Kai went to his village with his parents he will come back in 2 days' and suga went on a date" he said smiling

"Ohh...wait what date ? " I asked

" The online guy he said once " he said

" Ohh ohk " and we were in class, we sit beside eachother, and started chit chatting for few minutes untill professor came in class and started teaching .

I looked out of window which actually had a great view i mean interesting that what professor was teaching , that's when i saw a person coming out of a car, thr car seems similar some what , wait ... This is the car i was about get hit with well i couldn't saw his face but not gonna lie his back view was good too.

What he was doing in our University but, is he a student too?..... Nha who the hell will wore a coat it looks he works in a compa-

"JEON JUNGKOOK! " I heard and Flinched slowly turning my head towards professor who just caught me, i smiled awkwardly.

" Umm. Yess mr.kang "

" Can you explain what i was teaching mr. Jeon?"

"Umm, yeh actually no i m sorry mr. Kang"

" Pay attention mr. Jeon or else detention "

"Thankyou mr. Kang" i said

Kookie what's wrong? You alright?" Hobi hyung whispered carrying a worried look on his face

"Nothing hyung"I said and smile.

"Oky , students we have a notice here, their will be a trip a educational trip to the Kim company, tomorrow so be on time, and carry necessary things with you "Mr Khag said

"Yehhhh! " Students yelled in excitement.

Okuu... I m sorry for late updates just some family issues, i hope you understand and will wait for the update!
Have a good day! Babies

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