Miss you?

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Tringgggg tringgggg tringgggg ~

Just like other day and sleepy hand landed on poot alarm nearly breaking it, make it shut !

The said boy woke up did his morning routine and went downstairs.

Ahem ahem * he clears his throat witnessing unholy things in kitchen

Both Jin and namjoon has to stop their morning make out session cause of certain boy standing on stairs having a smirk pn his face ..

"Yahhh ! What are u looking at ? How come you are up early ? " Jin asked pushing namjoon to other corner cutting veggies . And joonie ends up falling on the floor with 2 cups breaking them ..
" Not my fault" joon said standing up Quick and ran out from kitchen with Jin behind him carring his pink pan ...

The bunny boy just shook his head and made his way to dinning table to have his breakfast that was already plated on the table... He enjoyed his breakfast while enjoying the fight laughing is ass off ...

..................................................................... Whereas the cold eco was sad that his baby had blocked him but was also happy that his baby was so innocent and good boy ..

He smiled looking at his phone wallpaper

(Aishhhh boi in loveeeee ... He kept kookie ch pic as his wallpaper 🤧 don't ask me where did he get that pic from he is CEO for a reason)


Kookie ? You wanna go somewhere?
Jimin asked to a certain bunny boi who was glancing at his phone screen time to time..
"Huh? No " kookie said keeping his phone back to his pocket..

So the said boy is being missing the werid text from mr. Unknown the day wasn't over yet he was looking at his phone hoping he could receive werid text from mr.unknown through he knows he had blocked him but still he hopes to have a little neat conversation with that werido ...

"KOOKIEEE ". Jimin shouted grabbing attention of everyone sitting in the canteen .
" Huh? I ain't deaf jimin " he replied g

''Ohh are sure cause I don't think so, i was shouting your name from past 10
Minutes " jimin replies while keeping his hand so his waist .

" Tell me what are u thinking about come on " jimin finally asked not getting any reply from younger...

"Actually theirs some weird person texting me calling me with couple of Nick nam-"

"Whhattt ? Whoo ? Is he hot? " Short guy asked cutting of jungkook ..

" Jiminnn I don't know who he is either and also I don't know how does he look you shorty " jungkook spatted
While looking at his phone

"Yahhhh! You Bart I m your hyung !" Jimin yelled

" so what's the problem know ? " jimin asked looking at younger dull face

" i haven't received a single msg from him today " younger answer eyes still stuck to his phone screen.

" he must be busy kookie " short guy answered

" actually I blocked him "

" are u crazy u are being sad cause you haven't received any msg ! How would you receive any message if you have fucking blocked him, just unblock him what's point being sad " jimin explained

" wait a second KOOKIEEE YOUR IN LOVEEE " short one yelled again making the younger all red .

"Ww_what are you talking about hyung I don't love him I don't know his name or who he is... Stop imaging things hyung " younger replyed.

"Then why do you miss him "

"I_ I don't miss him hyung you're out of your mind. I m leaving Jin hyung must be worried " younger answerd packing his things leaving while a red shade printed on his cheeks..

Time skip At night ~~

Jung kook had done his dinner and laid on his bed he grabbed his phone going through his text but he hasn't received the text he was waiting for.

Jk Pov;

What jimin said was true I miss his text but not him his weird text we're kind of annoying but was cute to .. no one had ever texted me something or called me with such names. Should I unblock him ?

No, he is just a prevert Stanger kookie nothing else if he would really love you he could have text me from another no. Must be a pervert forget about him kookie ... I was about to close my eyes until


I took phone their was a msg from another unknown no. I clicked to open it. I could feel my heart beating so fast that it will come out anytime ..
Soon a smile followed by face turning my face red ..


Miss Me baby ?
Cause I doo!

That's it for today guy's
This chapter is specially for my 2 followers @borahe-fandom7 and bangtan-lover0001

Really means alot guy' s also hope you like the part and will update soonnn till then stay safe and healthy ❤️

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