trip part 2

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A hand landed on the aram making it shut


" Today is the day! " I said with a bright smile and went to bath .. after having bath for 10 good minutes i select my clothes wore it had my breakfast and was read to go ... On my way to office a smile never left my face, i reached office parked my car and entered office before carrying a cold look on my face ...

I went straight to my cabin while on the way my saff was greating me giving them a small nod . When i reached my office the first thing i did was to call jimin!

"Jimin " i said before pressing a button which is in the corner of my table, it is directly connected to jimin's cabine so he can know i need him !

"Yess?, You are early today i see.. excited to see your crush? " He asked

" Whatever, when will be they here? " I asked trying not to be excited.

" Umm they cancelled " jimin said casually

"What? Whyyy? " I almost screamed .

" Hahahhhaaahhaa "
"Look at you so desperate to meet your crush and i m just joking they will be here in a hour" jimin said still laughing at me

" Everything is set ? " I asked

" Yeah , lover boy everything is ready " he said through smile

" Ohky ohky now go to your work " i said in cold voice

" Yeh " he said still laughing

" Aishh ! Just a hour, and we will meet baby" i said myself

Time skip


" How could you say that?  He will be here in few minutes do you fucking get it in fucking few minutes," tae yelled back

" Yeah ! I know but will you stop behaving like a school kid , for your kind information you are a FUCKING CEO of This big ass company " jimin said frustrated from the boy who is acting like a old school boy


Come in .

"Sir , the university students are here " assistant said and bow leaving the cabin

"Fuckkkkk!" Tae said

" Calm your ass lover boy do you wanna be embarrassed infront of your crush ? , No right? "

"Yeah you go first" tae said giving him his famous boxy smile .

Jimin walk out of his cabin and went straight towards entrance to Wellcome his guest. Jimin Wellcome the 1st University students which he visited he Wellcomed teacher's and students with warm smile. .

He was about to introduced himself but was stopped by students screaming and some gasping because of his looks cause boi it's THE KIM TAEHYUNG we are talking about students were amazed by his looks and handsome face! 

He made his way and stopped beside jimin . Signalling him to continue .which he did after the introduction session jimin was instructed to take care of students and teachers. Jimin noded accepting it .

" Mr. Wang " jimin called one of the member of staff .

" So students this is mr. Wang the manager of the company he will introduce you guy's and explain the working" jimin said with a smile then looked at the mr. Wang ..

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