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  Jk pov

"Done "

" Kookieeeee " a handsome man yelled from downstairs

" Yes hyung"

" Hurry up suga is here to pick you up "

" Coming hyung " i said ziping my bag which has nothing but a small book and a pen with lots of snacks, i ran downstairs were jin hyung was packing my lunch box , he's the best brother and cook too!

"Hyung, good morning! " I said walking towards kitchen

" Good morning kookie" jin hyung smiled and said

" Here take it with you, eat it ,and don't run around be with your group and teachers ohky?" Hyung said placing lunch box in my bag

I chuckled before saying " hyung i ain't a kid anymore, don't worry!" I said a hug him


"Aish hyung byee Suga hyung will kill me if i won't go in 2 seconds, bye bye take care "
I said before running towards door

" Good morning hyung" i wished

" Get in the car we are late you bunny looking human " suga hyung said

" Yeahh! Hyung i m not bunny " i said with a pout before getting in the air ..

" Let's go" he said a started the car ..

"Hyung?" I said

"Hmm" he replied

" We're were you that day, hobi hyung said you went on date , is it true ? " I asked

" Yeah ! " He said with a soft smile

" Ohhhh! Look at you your turning red hyung, how was it ? , Is it he pretty? "
I asked

" Very much " he smiled day dreaming

"Hyung , back to earth! , Drive properly "
I yelled

" Yeah " he nodded

" Who is he ? You didn't answer hyung?"
I asked looking at him

" We're here" he said parking the car in University's parking area

"Let's go or our bus will miss" hyung said so we took our bag and went to our class

" Heyy! " We heard hobi hyung yelling coming towards us waving his hand.

"Wait , aishh bus is over their we're are you guy's going " he said breathing heavily

"Come on let's go everyone is waiting" he said exited we three ran towards bus and get seated. after few minutes bus started.


Tae pov
( It's next day conversation after yoomin date)

" What" i yelled

"You went on date yesterday and you are letting me now " i asked

" Actually i didn't got time to text you know" jimin said while blushing lightly.

''Ohhhh, so how was it? " I asked coldly

" He is so cute and innocent i can't tell you , aishh " he said keeping his hand on his heart dramatically.

" Btw what about your crush ? Did you saw him ? " Jimin asked in teasing tone .

" No" i said feeling disappointed

" I have a plan, do you remember anything about him i mean like were he must be going ? " He asked

" Ummm yeah he had an id card of some university i saw it in his bag it was peaking out of this bag " i said and smiled remember him again ..

" Ohh oky and were did you saw him i mean which bus stop, he must be late for class right ?" Jimin said opening his laptop, idk what this man is thinking.

" Yeah, the one near the signal beside xxx cafe  " i said sitting beside him

" okyy" he said and searched nearby University from xxx cafe. Ohh he got some brain i see.

"Aishhh ! Thier are 3 University after that stop " he said looking at me .

"So ?" I asked

" How about we invite all 3 University students for a field trip, to make them aware of function how a company work?" He said looking at me with smile on the face

" Umm but how is that related with my crush?" I asked

" Ohh sonu admit it ? I see, every student will come to visit our company which means your crush will come too " Jimin said

" Umm what if isn't studying in any of this University?" I asked

Ouchh, heyy! U can't just smack your boss head " i asked rubbing my head were he hit

" Ofcourse i can't smack my boss but i can smack my bestfriend's head " he said

"Yeh yeh !" I said rolling my eyes

" Oky then i will go two universities you go to the 1st one, oky ? " He said to which i nodded and left to university i was happy to see him again.. aishh just one more day and we will meet soon , my baby..

Time skip

I went to university and asked about permission which they agreed they were suprised though seeing me their. I was on my way home now !

Time fly's

Will meet soon baby !
With that he slept thinking about his crush

A long ass chapter , i couldn't think my brain just ran out of idea's so let's see if they meet or not !
Just kidding they sure gonaa meet {spoiler}
Also do check out my other 2 stories
Wait for my next update it will be soon
Take care!
I love you✨💜

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