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Jungkook doesn't know how to react he had never in his widest dream through the CEO will be his daddy ! ..

He was so stunned to even speak . Whereas on the other side mr. CEO was on cloud nine seeing his bunny boi so stunned and cute ... He wished he could kiss his bunny Rosie lips right then and their but get hold on his emotions and left after giving coupons .

Whereas our little bunny was still stunned. But next moment he turned red like cherry when the words older said ringed in his ears sending chills down his spine.



What happened you alright let's go

Huh y_yes

Day went great with bunny being red time to time he himself don't know what was happening and like that schools end and every one were getting ready to leave  . Until

" Jeon jungkook " A person called standing near classroom door

" Yes " Bunny replied standing up with confused look

" Principal sir is asking for you ". The man replied and leave

" Huh? Me " he said and make his way towards principal office .

But was suddenly pulled by someone and was pinned against wall . Kook was about to scream but a deep soft voice stopped him.

" Shhhh Bunny boi it's me "

"Huh?" Their face were to closed for jungkook that he can't even think proper .

" Bunny boi calm down daddy won't hurt you " tae said and shifted back a little creating a safer distance between them.

"So how was suprise ? " Tae asked sitting on a desk

" W_what suprise Mr. Kim " kookie shutters. Who will not when the youngest ceo is looking deep into your eyes with that handsome face.

" Who is mr. Kim here ? "  Tae said searching everywhere .

" You"

" Daddy I m your daddy" he said and came closer to kookie .

" Are you scared of me ? Or you don't like me " he asked softly

" Nhaa I like you even if you weren't the ceo. It's just I wasn't expecting in that the pervert ass would a youngest ceo, bu"

Suddenly he was pulled into a hug. Kookie was suprise by sudden hug. But he felt so safe and warm in his arms.

" What happened?" Kook asked still hugging the older .

" I thought that you will not like me, cause  I never told you my identity and acted like a prevet all the time " . The hold around him tighten when he said those words making him relax .. this was the best felling for him.. he has never felt so safe . Before while hugging someone .

"Their was silence for a min both the souls were enjoying hugging eachother as if they meet after a long long time.

" Daddy " kook called breaking the hug but the older wasn't ready to let him go .

" Yes Bunny boi" he replied while pulling him more closer .

" Look I m not angry on you not even a little bit, I was just to stunned seeing my daddy out of nowhere. "  Kook said with red shade spreading on his face .

" Really?" This time tae broke the hug and looked up.just to see a red bunny all shy.
He wished to kiss his whole face .. or stuffed him in his pocket so that no one could ever harm him.

" Yes, so now we are frnds?"

"Just frnds bunny boi " tae asked pulling him closer.

" Shut up mr. Ceo " kook blushed while hitting his chest.

" Let's take things slow" kookie said looking deep into his eyes

" As you wish bunny boi" tae said and hug me again.  Kookie huged him back ..

Wait principal sir was asking for me shitttt he must be mad at me know ohh my_

Shhhh he felt a finger on his lips making him shut .

It was not the principal bunny boi it was me .

" Huh?"

" Cute  "

"Shut up!" He bite the finger

" Ochhh " the older screamed by sudden attack from bunny. Who was giggling cutely showing his bunny teeths .


" Okyy then bye" kookie said

So now a black BMW was parked side of the street near kookies house . Tae came to drop kookie. Jk denied first but tae insisted and thus kookie end being in his car...

"Hm" tae hmmed pouting.
If someone would see the youngest and cold ceo pouting like that will never believe it ..

What happened ?  Kook asked looking worried

"You're leaving without even thanking me with goodbye kiss" tae said with visible pout .

"Awww the ceo is pouting for a thank you and good bye kiss "  kookie giggled .

"Thankyou daddy" kookie giggled.

" You're welcome bunny boi " said tae with a  boxy smile and my kiss ..

" Next time " kookie said coming closer to tae ears and giggled while getting off from car . As the ceo pout again. 

Kookie looked at the pouting tiger from the window. But the very next moment tae was pulled by side collar and soft pair of lips touched his cheeks.who was shocked. And a wide smile landed on his face eyes shining. And kookie runned towards his appartment.

With a pairs of eyes watching him with a smile from window


Okyyyy that's it for today I m so sorry
My exams and other stuffs were lined up..
But I will try to update one chapter in 3days ... Also let me know how was the chapter and you're ideas 💡

Till then take care
And be safe . Saranghe 💜✨

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