Chapter 2 Harry /

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As we drove, all I could hear was the sound of buttons of Liam's iPhone clicking as I stared outside the window of our van. After a few minutes of clicking, I finally looked forward to see Liam smiling cheekily as he texted. Everybody clearly knew Liam was texting Jasmine, his girlfriend.

Since Jasmine and Liam got back together, they couldn't stop talking. They would always try to find some privacy for themselves when they're on a date. The media kept on having pictures of them somehow. And if we're on tour, or the other way around, they would skype or call or text each other everyday. It sometimes annoy me. Maybe that's what it's like when you truly found someone you would love.

"How is our little Liam?" I heard Zayn said in a babyish voice. Maybe he noticed it, too.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Zayn." He said, continuing to text Jasmine.

"Why are you texting Jasmine nonstop?" I smirked.

"'Cause can?" He smiled, not taking his eyes off his phone. Zayn took his phone away and looked at his messages. I could see Liam's eyes widen in horror. "Hey! Give it back, Zayn!" Liam said, reaching for his phone. All of us started to laugh. Zayn used his hand to stop him from getting his phone. He read one of the messages aloud for the others to hear.

"'See you later in my house' Jasmine texted with a winky face?" Zayn sneered. "I never knew that they would be that serious." Zayn teased. We all started to laugh again. I could see Liam's face turning red like a tomato.

"What were your plans for tonight, Liam?" Louis said jokingly, elbowing him.

"Nothing!" Liam said, sitting down as he got his phone back. We all started to laugh again.

"Text me the details of your make out session, Liam!" Niall said. We all laughed histerically at what Niall said, except Liam.

"We aren't going to make out!" Liam protested. "We're just going to watch a movie." He stated. I rolled my eyes.

"Liam, we all know you guys won't pay attention at the movie." I snickered. "You guys would be cuddling, then kissing, then before you know it, the couch would be shaking." I smiled in a mischevious way. Liam's cheeks redden as we all started to laugh.

"N-no." He stuttered. We all laughed at his embarrassment.

"Don't let her watch Toy Story." Zayn said jokingly. We all chuckled as Liam rolled his eyes again.

"You should watch something like 'Sex and the City'." Louis suggested. "I bet you guys would like that so you would feel that horny side of you." Louis suggested. We all started to make dirty noises, making Liam feel uncomfortable.

"Shut up." Liam said. "We're not gonna have sex and we're definitely not going to watch Sex and the City." Liam said, going back to his phone. "And I know what she would like to watch, anyways. I'm her boyfriend." He said matter-of-factly.

"Oh yeah?" Niall said, one of his eyebrow raised. "Does she likes flowers more or chocolate more?" Niall tested. The lads and I leaned forward and looked at Liam.

Liam shifted on his seat, looking very uncomfortable. "Um, both?" Liam shrugged, unsure of the answer.

"Nope!" Niall exclaimed. Since Jasmine and Liam had a misunderstanding, Niall and Jasmine became more like best friends. He was always the one that Jasmine calls on and she thinks that he was adorable. Liam almost got offended that Jasmine called Niall more adorable, but Jasmine kissed him and he felt much better. "She likes flowers more." Niall beamed. The lads and I chuckled at Liam's incorrect answer.

Liam's eyes were wide as donuts. "What?!" Liam exclaimed. Niall tried holding back a laugh, but he couldn't contain it. "I didn't know that!"

"Says the boy that says he knew everything Jasmine likes." Niall smirked. "She likes flowers more since you can keep it unlike the chocolates, you can eat it." Niall looked proud of himself. "I bet you don't even know what flowers she likes."

Liam's face darkened, looking like a pouting baby. "Shut up." He said, punching Niall's arm. Niall started to laugh out loud. "Come on, the interview is going to start." Liam said as the van stopped. We all laughed at Liam one last time and hopped off the van.

The crowd started to scream and cheer as we entered the stage. We shook the interviewer's hand and too a seat. "How are you guys?" The interviewer asked us.

"Great." We all said, nodding our heads.

"So, Liam, your relationship's been the most talked about for the whole month?" The interviewer said. The whole crowd cheered and screamed since most of them are girls. We all chuckled at the what we were talking about a while ago as Liam nodded. "How is your relationship?" She asked.

"Very good." Liam said. "Everything's good."

"How long have you guys been together?" He asked.

"Almost five months." He smiled.

"Can you say that you're in love after having a short period of time?" She asked. The audiences fell completely silent and excited at Liam's answer.

"I would say I am completely in love." Liam smiled, blushing. The audience awed and cheered at Liam's response.

"Now everybody knows how much Liam loves Jasmine, right?" We all started clapping and cheering with Liam. "Those are the words that every girl wants to hear from someone they really love." The girls in the audience started to murmur in agree.

"Instead of Liam, who is on a relationship?" Zayn and Louis raised their hand. "And how was it?" She asked. Zayn and Louis started to go into details and talked about how much they really love their girlfriends, earning an awes from the audiences. "How about you guys?" She asked me and Niall.

"No good luck?" I said and we all laughed. The audiences started to cheer and saying that they could be our girlfriends. "Maybe, we're just. . . looking for the right one." I answered. The audience went crazy.

"Well, that is right." The interviewer said. "We don't want to rush into things when we speak about love."

"Yeah. We don't really know when love is gonna hit us. It is very mysterious." Niall said.

"Are you willing to date a fan or a celebrity?" She asked.

"It depends on how she acts. If she's the type of girl I think I like, then I'm willing to date that girl." I heard 'awws' from the crowd.

"I really hope that girl would like to eat food as much as me." Niall joked and the audience laughed.

"Well, everybody, at least two of our boys are available. Good luck to that lucky girl." The interviewer winked and laughed.

"Well, thank you guys for being here. Give a round of applause to One Direction!" She said. Everybody clapped and some people even screamed. "We'll be right back!" We all went backstage and we all went into the van and drove away.

The boys kept on talking about Liam's relationship while I just sat on the back and kept on thinking about the interview.

When would I have a girl that would love me? I thought to myself. I mean, come on? I'm in the most popular boy band and I still can't find the one girl for me.

"Harry?" I heard Liam's voice that removed me from my thoughts.


"We were asking if you would want to come with us at Louis' flat. We're going to bring a take out and have lunch there." Niall said.

I blinked twice and nodded. "Sure." I mumbled.

"Are you okay, lad?" Louis asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm okay." I said. They didn't look convinced, but they didn't bother me anymore. The rest of the ride was about Liam's relationship while I was silent again, thinking about my own thoughts.

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